Community Outreach

Academy for Bright Future Young Engineers (ABFYE)
ABFYE aims to provide an innovative and student-centered platform to engage high school learners in authentic engineering experiences and inspire them to embrace an engineer's habits of mind. Students will build resilient problem-solving skills and be empowered to think like engineers through a series of collaborative and student-directed projects.

HKUST Underwater Robot Competition
The Underwater Robot Competition aims to offer a unique platform for iSTEAM (Inclusion, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education. Since 2015, the competition has actively engaged students from School of Engineering in enriching community connections through their academic expertise. Collaborating across different schools, they have led over 1800 students (from Primary 4 to Secondary 3, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN), disabilities, the underprivileged and ethnic minorities) and teachers to take part in this experiential learning and community engagement initiative.

Student Innovation for Global Health Technology (SIGHT)
SIGHT is an undergraduate education platform at the HKUST to transform passion and creativity of students into innovative solutions for health care problems around the world. SIGHT integrates course work, team project, and overseas study trip to provide learning experience that transcends the borders of disciplines, geography, and culture. SIGHT projects target resource-limited communities, and aim to deliver social impact with tangible solutions.
Community Services Project courses (ENGG1900 & ENGG2900)
ENGG 1900 Service Learning Program [1 Credit]
With the collaboration of local or non-local NGO and support from the School of Engineering, students enrolled in this program would be provided an opportunity to engage themselves in community service. Lectures, talks or training sessions will be provided to students to build up their communication skills and / or broaden their horizon. Students should also fulfill the requirements set by the NGO. At the end of the Program, students are required to submit report, reflective paper, group projects or to make a presentation as appropriate. They may also be required to make evaluation. Cantonese may be used in off-campus trainings, in some situations. Enrollment in this course requires instructor's approval. Students may not repeat the course for credits. Graded P or F. Maybe graded PP.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Identify the problems that the service providers is facing
- Demonstrate empathy for people in need and reflect on their roles and responsibilities as a responsible citizen
- Plan, organize and conduct community project(s) in collaboration with community organizations
- Communicate with people who are involved including classmates, service providers and the beneficiary
- Appreciate the value of social responsibility, cultural diversity and active citizenship
- Evaluate the methods used in providing community service
- Critique on the role of Engineers
ENGG 2900 Community Services Project [1-4 Credit(s)]
The course is offered in a form of a community project at a designated non-governmental organization (NGO) under the supervision of the School. Students are required to attend all the training sessions, design and implement the service project / participate in the service learning tasks as instructed by the host NGO and / or the course instructors. By the end of the course, students have to submit a reflective statement in the format of a paper, a group project report or a presentation to demonstrate the attainment of all intended learning outcomes, in addition to other requirements of the relevant NGO as appropriate. Approval from the course coordinator is needed prior to enrolling in the course. Graded PP, P or F. Students may repeat the course for credits if different topics are taken.
ENGG 2900A Community Services Project: Developing Leadership Through Service Learning [2 Credits]
This course aims to increase students' involvement in community services and provide them learning opportunities through the social services programs such as fund-raising events, greening the society and elderly services. Under the supervision of the School, students will gain experience from developing a plan, marketing through implementation of projects at a designated non-governmental organization (NGO). Instructor's approval required. Graded P or F. May be graded PP.
ENGG 2900D Community Services Project: Underwater Robot Community Engagement Project [2 Credits]
This Project course gives HKUST undergraduate students the opportunity to work in teams from different schools, to serve identified community group (i.e. primary and secondary school students / South Asian youths etc.), to understand limitations on the served groups and to learn how to apply theoretical knowledge on the building of under-water robots. Throughout the project, HKUST undergraduate students will act as teachers by transferring their skills of under-water robot building to primary and secondary school students and / or South Asian youths. HKUST undergraduate students will also learn the skills of event management throughout the project. Students must obtain prior approval from course coordinator for enrolling in the course. May be repeated for credits, if different topics are taken. Graded P or F. May be graded PP.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes:
- To learn the multi-disciplinary basic knowledge of underwater robot design from instructors and peers
- To design custom-made learning guides for different served groups
- To transform from apprentices of underwater robots to become coaches of the served groups
- To experience the limitations of different served groups (i.e. primary and secondary school students / SEN students)
- To organize workflow of a two-day event on underwater robot design competition
- To participate in the team’s work with idea exchange and cooperation between different tiers.