Research Infrastructure

Not only do we have the “hardware” – which is our comprehensive range of equipment and apparatuses – to conduct groundbreaking experiments, we have the crucial software – which are the diverse expertise, skills and vision of our faculty members, to continuously steer such projects to fruition and create results with social impact.
Joint Labs
- HKUST-Absolute Pure EnviroSci Ltd Joint Laboratory on Health and Environmental Innovations
- HKUST-Alibaba Joint Laboratory on Big Data and Artificial
- HKUST-Bright Dream Robotics Joint Research Institute
- HKUST-China Unicom Joint Laboratory on Smart Society
- HKUST Collaborative Innovation Center
- HKUST-Deutsche Telekom (DT) System and Media Laboratory
- HKUST-DiDi Joint Research Laboratory
- HKUST-DJI Joint Innovation Laboratory
- HKUST ENVF-INA / LMA Joint Laboratory on Environment
- HKUST Foshan Research Institute for Smart Manufacturing (FRISM)
- HKUST-HKPC Joint Research Lab for Industrial AI and Robotics
- HKUST-HKSI Joint Center for Sports Science and Technology
- HKUST-Huawei Joint Laboratory
- HKUST-Inspur Cloud Joint Laboratory
- HKUST-KF Joint Laboratory for Sustainable Technologies
- HKUST-MetaX Joint Laboratory for Advanced AI Computing
- HKUST-MTR Joint Research Laboratory
- HKUST-NAVER / LINE AI Laboratory
- HKUST-WeBank Joint Laboratory
- HKUST-Xiao-i Joint Laboratory on Machine Learning and Cognitive Reasoning
- HKUST-Xunlei Joint Laboratory on Blockchain Technology
- MOE/MSRA Information Technology Key Laboratory
- WeChat-HKUST Joint Laboratory on Artificial Intelligence Technology (WHAT LAB)
State Key Laboratory (SKL)
Chinese National Engineering Research Center (CNERC)
Research Centers (Hong Kong)
- AI Chip Center for Emerging Smart Systems (ACCESS)
- Big Data Bio-Intelligence Laboratory
- Center for Aging Science
- Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (CAiRE)
- Center for Display Research (CDR)
- Center for Integrated Micro Systems (CIMS)
- Center for Medical Imaging and Analysis
- Center on Smart Sensors and Environmental Technologies
- Center for Slope Safety
- Center for Wireless Information Technology (CenWIT)
- Electronic Packaging Laboratory (EPACK Lab)
- Hong Kong Center for Construction Robotics
- Hong Kong Space Robotics and Energy Center
- Integrated Circuits Design Center (ICDC)
- Jockey Club STEM Lab of Convection and Precipitation
- Jockey Club STEM Lab of Data Science Foundations
- Low Altitude Economy Research Center
- Photonics Technology Center (PTC)
- Research Center on Smart Manufacturing
- Sports Science and Technology Research Center
- Water Technology Center (WTC)
Research Centers (Nansha)
- Building Energy Research Center (BERC)
- Center for Engineering Materials and Reliability (CEMAR)
- Center for Polymer Processing and Systems (CPPS)
- Digital Life Research Center (DLRC)
- Wastewater Technology Laboratory (WTL)