Home About SENG Our People Faculty Listing Faculty Listing Block Department / Unit - Select --Office of the Dean of Engineering-Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering-Department of Computer Science and Engineering-Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering-Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics-Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Rank - Select -Chair ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorResearch Assistant ProfessorSenior LecturerLecturer ILecturer II Search A Syed Mohsin ABBAS Syed MohsinABBAS Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web abbassm@ust.hk Hiddadura Isura Malinda M. ABEYNAYAKE Hiddadura Isura Malinda M.ABEYNAYAKE Lecturer II, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringAssociate Director of Student Innovation for Global Health Technology Personal Web malinda@ust.hk (852) 3469 2742 Alicia Kyoung Jin AN 安京珍 Alicia Kyoung JinAN安京珍 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web alicia.kjan@ust.hk (852) 3469 2242 Sunil ARYA 安雅信 SunilARYA安雅信 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web arya@ust.hk (852) 2358 8769 B Ruiqiang BAI 白瑞強 RuiqiangBAI白瑞強 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web rqbai@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Khaled BEN LETAIEF 李德富 KhaledBEN LETAIEF李德富 Senior Advisor to the PresidentNew Bright Professor of EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eekhaled@ust.hk (852) 2358 7064 Brahim BENSAOU 彭卲邦 BrahimBENSAOU彭卲邦 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web csbb@ust.hk (852) 2358 7014 Tristan Camille BRAUD Tristan CamilleBRAUD Assistant Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and DesignAssistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web braudt@ust.hk (852) 3469 3004 C Lilong CAI 蔡李隆 LilongCAI蔡李隆 Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Personal Web melcai@ust.hk (852) 2358 7209 Yi CAI 蔡毅 YiCAI 蔡毅 Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering yicai@ust.hk Jialun CAO 曹嘉倫 JialunCAO曹嘉倫 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web jialuncao@ust.hk Xiren CAO 曹希仁 XirenCAO曹希仁 Professor Emeritus, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eecao@ust.hk (852) 2358 7032 Xuanyu CAO 曹軒宇 XuanyuCAO曹軒宇 Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eexcao@ust.hk (852) 3469 2864 Andrew K. C. CHAN 陳嘉正 Andrew K. C.CHAN 陳嘉正 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web (852) 2358 7152 Ben Yui Bun CHAN 陳銳斌 Ben Yui BunCHAN陳銳斌 Associate Dean of StudentsAssociate Professor of Engineering EducationSenior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web ybchan@ust.hk (852) 2358 8226 C. C. CHAN 陳志超 C. C.CHAN陳志超 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web (852) 2358 7152 Chi Ming CHAN 陳志明 Chi MingCHAN陳志明 Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringAdjunct Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design Personal Web kecmchan@ust.hk (852) 2358 7125 Chun Man CHAN 陳俊文 Chun ManCHAN陳俊文 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web cecmchan@ust.hk Gary Shueng Han CHAN 陳雙幸 Gary Shueng HanCHAN陳雙幸 Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web gchan@ust.hk (852) 2358 6990 Ki Cecia CHAN 陳祈 Ki CeciaCHAN陳祈 Lecturer I, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web kccecia@ust.hk (852) 2358 6994 Man Sun CHAN 陳文新 Man SunCHAN陳文新 Alex Wong Siu Wah Gigi Wong Fook Chi Professor of EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringProgram Director of MSc in Integrated Circuits Personal Web mchan@ust.hk (852) 2358 8519 Philip Ching Ho CHAN 陳正豪 Philip Ching Ho CHAN陳正豪 Professor Emeritus, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eepchan@ust.hk (852) 2358 7042 Tony Fan-cheong CHAN 陳繁昌 Tony Fan-cheongCHAN 陳繁昌 Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web tonyfchan@ust.hk Chih-chen CHANG 張志成 Chih-chenCHANG張志成 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web cechang@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Paul Tse-yung CHANG 張之勇 Paul Tse-yungCHANG張之勇 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web cepchang@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Christopher Yu-Hang CHAO 趙汝恒 Christopher Yu-HangCHAO趙汝恒 Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Personal Web meyhchao@ust.hk (852) 2358 7210 Kevin CHAU 周顯良 Kevin CHAU 周顯良 Adjunct Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eekchau@ust.hk Sai-Wai CHAU 周世威 Sai-WaiCHAU周世威 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web 2358 7152 Ying CHAU 周迎 YingCHAU周迎 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringDirector of Student Innovation for Global Health Technology Personal Web keychau@ust.hk (852) 2358 8935 Guanghao CHEN 陳光浩 GuanghaoCHEN陳光浩 Chair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringChair Professor, Division of Environment and SustainabilityDirector of Hong Kong Branch of Chinese National Engineering Research Center for Control and Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution Personal Web ceghchen@ust.hk (852) 2358 8752 Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Block A Advanced oxidation technologies C Clean technologies and cleaner production technologies A Advanced materials Advanced Materials Advanced materials Advanced Materials Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced materials and technology Aircraft & Aeronautical Engineering Artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence B Biomechanics Built environment C CAD/CAM Computational mechanics Construction Management Construction Management Construction Management Construction Management Control and Robotic Systems (CRS) Creation of new advanced materials, and development of new fluorescent biosensors Cybersecurity D Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data science and PSE Decipherment of new luminescent processes Design and manufacturing Design and optimization of processes and products for environmental applications E Electronic packaging Electronic Packaging Energy Energy and environment Energy recovery Energy storage & distribution Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental engineering Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability Environmental studies Exploration of new polymerization reactions F Formulation G Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical H Heat transfer Hydraulics Hydraulics Hydraulics Hydraulics I Impact dynamics Innovative environmental technologies Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated circuits and systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) M Materials Analysis Microelectronics (mE) Microsystems N Nano Technology Nano Technology Nano technology Nano Technology Networking and computer systems P Plasma technology and Nuclear Fusion Energy Systems Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science, and Biomedical Engineering Product and process systems engineering S SMART city Solid Mechanics Solid mechanics Solid-State Electronics and Photonics (S2EP) Solid-State Electronics and Photonics (S2EP) Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural dynamics Synthesis of new functional (macro)molecules T Thermofluid and energy Transportation Transportation Transportation Two-phase flow V Vision and Graphics Vision and Graphics W Waste minimization Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Block Department / Unit - Select --Office of the Dean of Engineering-Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering-Department of Computer Science and Engineering-Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering-Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics-Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Rank - Select -Chair ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorResearch Assistant ProfessorSenior LecturerLecturer ILecturer II Search Name Position Tel Email A Syed Mohsin ABBAS Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel Email abbassm@ust.hk Hiddadura Isura Malinda M. ABEYNAYAKE Lecturer II, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringAssociate Director of Student Innovation for Global Health Technology Tel (852) 3469 2742 Email malinda@ust.hk Alicia Kyoung Jin AN 安京珍 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 3469 2242 Email alicia.kjan@ust.hk Sunil ARYA 安雅信 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8769 Email arya@ust.hk B Ruiqiang BAI 白瑞強 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email rqbai@ust.hk Khaled BEN LETAIEF 李德富 Senior Advisor to the PresidentNew Bright Professor of EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7064 Email eekhaled@ust.hk Brahim BENSAOU 彭卲邦 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7014 Email csbb@ust.hk Tristan Camille BRAUD Assistant Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and DesignAssistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 3469 3004 Email braudt@ust.hk C Lilong CAI 蔡李隆 Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7209 Email melcai@ust.hk Yi CAI 蔡毅 Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel Email yicai@ust.hk Jialun CAO 曹嘉倫 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel Email jialuncao@ust.hk Xiren CAO 曹希仁 Professor Emeritus, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7032 Email eecao@ust.hk Xuanyu CAO 曹軒宇 Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 3469 2864 Email eexcao@ust.hk Andrew K. C. CHAN 陳嘉正 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email Ben Yui Bun CHAN 陳銳斌 Associate Dean of StudentsAssociate Professor of Engineering EducationSenior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8226 Email ybchan@ust.hk C. C. CHAN 陳志超 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email Chi Ming CHAN 陳志明 Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringAdjunct Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design Tel (852) 2358 7125 Email kecmchan@ust.hk Chun Man CHAN 陳俊文 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel Email cecmchan@ust.hk Gary Shueng Han CHAN 陳雙幸 Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 6990 Email gchan@ust.hk Ki Cecia CHAN 陳祈 Lecturer I, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 6994 Email kccecia@ust.hk Man Sun CHAN 陳文新 Alex Wong Siu Wah Gigi Wong Fook Chi Professor of EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringProgram Director of MSc in Integrated Circuits Tel (852) 2358 8519 Email mchan@ust.hk Philip Ching Ho CHAN 陳正豪 Professor Emeritus, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7042 Email eepchan@ust.hk Tony Fan-cheong CHAN 陳繁昌 Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel Email tonyfchan@ust.hk Chih-chen CHANG 張志成 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email cechang@ust.hk Paul Tse-yung CHANG 張之勇 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email cepchang@ust.hk Christopher Yu-Hang CHAO 趙汝恒 Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7210 Email meyhchao@ust.hk Kevin CHAU 周顯良 Adjunct Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel Email eekchau@ust.hk Sai-Wai CHAU 周世威 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel 2358 7152 Email Ying CHAU 周迎 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringDirector of Student Innovation for Global Health Technology Tel (852) 2358 8935 Email keychau@ust.hk Guanghao CHEN 陳光浩 Chair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringChair Professor, Division of Environment and SustainabilityDirector of Hong Kong Branch of Chinese National Engineering Research Center for Control and Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution Tel (852) 2358 8752 Email ceghchen@ust.hk Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5