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Press Releases / News
When SENG research efforts translate into important inventions, discoveries and initiatives
HKUST announces the establishment of its Low Altitude Economy Research Center (LAERC). A group photo of Prof. Tim CHENG, HKUST Vice-President for Research and Development (third left), Prof. Hong K. LO, Dean of Engineering (third right), Prof. LI Mo, Director of LAERC (second left) and the Center’s members Prof. ZHANG Fumin, Director of Cheng Kar-Shun Robotics Institute (second right), Prof. Jack CHENG, Associate Head and Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (first left), and Prof. Z
HKUST Launches Low Altitude Economy Research Center
The UGC delegation, led by UGC Chairman Mr. Tim Lui (fifth left, first row), visits HKUST on January 9, 2025 to learn more about the University’s latest research and innovation endeavours. The guests are warmly received by HKUST President Prof. Nancy Ip (fifth right, first row), senior management, and school deans.
HKUST Welcomes University Grants Committee Delegation
Five SENG Academics Secured HK$10 Million in Two NSFC/RGC Research Schemes
Three Professors Awarded HK$12.6 Million in RGC’s Collaborative Research Fund 2024/25
Prof. Dan TSANG and Prof. LI Xiaomeng Awarded HK$9.8 Million in RGC’s Research Impact Fund 2024/25
The research team is under the supervision of Prof. Kwok Hoi-Sing (center), Founding Director of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies at HKUST. Core member Dr. Feng Feng (left), a postdoctoral research fellow at HKUST’s Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), serves as the first author. The team also includes ECE postdoctoral research fellow Dr. Liu Yibo (right).
HKUST Engineering Researchers Develop World’s First Deep-UV MicroLED Display Chips for Maskless Photolithography
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Our line of distinguished faculty to explain phenomena, introduce innovations, debunk myths and share their engineering vision
“Our transition to a robotics-aided world has been so gradual but seamless that we may soon forget what life was even like before automation.” - Prof. LI Zexiang
"Our transition to a robotics-aided world has been so gradual but seamless that we may soon forget what life was even like before automation." - Prof. LI Zexiang
“Engineering, especially computer engineering, is an amazing area. You can develop new technologies in the field and see how they change or improve people’s daily lives. That’s just more than awesome.” - Prof. ZHANG Qian
"Engineering, especially computer engineering, is an amazing area. You can develop new technologies in the field and see how they change or improve people’s daily lives. That’s just more than awesome." - Prof. ZHANG Qian
“When I Skype with my grandchildren on my cellphone, I enjoy seeing their most beautiful faces – on an OLED screen.” - Prof. TANG Ching-Wan
"When I Skype with my grandchildren on my cellphone, I enjoy seeing their most beautiful faces - on an OLED screen." - Prof. TANG Ching-Wan, inventor of OLED
“AI is like a fast-running car. Data is like engine oil. Once the engine oil is refined into gas, we can propel this car to accomplish meaningful missions.” - Prof. YANG Qiang
"AI is like a fast-running car. Data is like engine oil. Once the engine oil is refined into gas, we can propel this car to accomplish meaningful missions." - Prof. YANG Qiang
“The joy of doing research is that you have the freedom to decide what problems to solve and how you can contribute to society.” - Prof. Irene LO
"The joy of doing research is that you have the freedom to decide what problems to solve and how you can contribute to society." - Prof. Irene LO
“We are naturally very excited about setting a world record. This is the first step in our research on capturing and analyzing giant photographs and videos.” - Prof. Pedro SANDER
"We are naturally very excited about setting a world record. This is the first step in our research on capturing and analyzing giant photographs and videos." - Prof. Pedro SANDER
"Design thinking, characterized by its divergent-convergent process, is a human-centered and creative problem solving technique for innovation." - Prof. Ravindra S GOONETILLEKE
"Design thinking, characterized by its divergent-convergent process, is a human-centered and creative problem-solving technique for innovation." - Prof. Ravindra S. GOONETILLEKE
“To tackle complex and ‘wicked’ problems of the future, beyond knowledge and abilities, teamwork, creativity and grit are important skills for our students to cultivate.” - Dr. Winnie Suk Wai LEUNG
"To tackle complex and 'wicked' problems of the future, beyond knowledge and abilities, teamwork, creativity and grit are important skills for our students to cultivate." - Dr. Winnie Suk Wai LEUNG
“The joy of autonomous driving research is to enable better living for everyone, towards seamless and highly efficient automatic transportation and logistics.” - Prof. Ming LIU
"The joy of autonomous driving research is to enable better living for everyone, towards seamless and highly efficient automatic transportation and logistics." - Prof. Ming LIU
“I hope more women will consider engineering as a career to change the status quo and to say, ‘I can do it too’.” - Prof. Angela Ruohao WU
"I hope more women will consider engineering as a career to change the status quo and to say, 'I can do it too.'" - Prof. Angela Ruohao WU
“A research topic good enough for an academic paper may not be translatable into a commercial product. This involves using design thinking, a user-centric approach, to solve problems.” - Prof. Sai Kit YEUNG
"A research topic good enough for an academic paper may not be translatable into a commercial product. This involves using design thinking, a user-centric approach, to solve problems." - Prof. Sai Kit YEUNG
QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024: Engineering & Technology
#1 in Hong Kong for 14 consecutive years
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SENG’s Communications, External Affairs and Development team is dedicated to ensuring liaison between the School and the mass media. We pledge to keep the public informed of the achievements of our students, faculty and alumni, as well as our groundbreaking research results, influential collaborations and initiatives, innovations in engineering pedagogy and other School-related matters. For more information, please contact: 

Celia Lee
Tel: +852 2358 8982 

Dorothy Yip
Assistant Manager
Tel: +852 2358 5917
