Home About SENG Our People Faculty Listing Faculty Listing Block Department / Unit - Select --Office of the Dean of Engineering-Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering-Department of Computer Science and Engineering-Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering-Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics-Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Rank - Select -Chair ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorResearch Assistant ProfessorSenior LecturerLecturer ILecturer II Search C Justin CHUANG 莊哲義 JustinCHUANG 莊哲義 Adjunct Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web justinchuang@ust.hk Samuel Ho Kwong CHUI Samuel Ho KwongCHUI Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web (852) 2358 7152 Albert Chi Shing CHUNG 鍾志成 Albert Chi ShingCHUNG鍾志成 Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringDirector of Center for Medical Imaging and Analysis Personal Web achung@ust.hk (852) 2358 8776 Francesco CIUCCI FrancescoCIUCCI Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Personal Web francesco.ciucci@ust.hk D Ji DAI 戴吉 JiDAI戴吉 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web cedj@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Lun DAI 代倫 LunDAI代倫 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web dailun@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Yangfan DENG 鄧楊帆 YangfanDENG鄧楊帆 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web yfdeng@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Shimin DI 邸世民 ShiminDI邸世民 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web dishimin@ust.hk Ilias DIMITRAKOPOULOS IliasDIMITRAKOPOULOS Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web ilias@ust.hk (852) 2358 5975 Cunsheng DING 丁存生 CunshengDING丁存生 Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web cding@ust.hk (852) 2358 7021 HuarenDOU竇華仁 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web (852) 2358 7152 Juan DU 杜娟 JuanDU杜娟 Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Personal Web juandu@ust.hk Molong DUAN 段默龍 MolongDUAN段默龍 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringAssociate Director of Center for Smart Manufacturing Personal Web duan@ust.hk (852) 3469 3024 Tianwei DUAN 段甜偉 TianweiDUAN段甜偉 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web twduan@ust.hk (852) 3469 2783 Amartansh DUBEY AmartanshDUBEY Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eedubey@ust.hk (852) 3469 2865 F Zhiyong FAN 范智勇 ZhiyongFAN范智勇 Chair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringDirector of Center on Smart Sensors and Environmental Technologies Personal Web eezfan@ust.hk (852) 2358 8027 Muhammad Usman FARID Muhammad UsmanFARID Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web mufarid@ust.hk (852) 2358 7130 Yiding FENG 馮逸丁 YidingFENG馮逸丁 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Personal Web ydfeng@ust.hk (852) 2358 7982 Lin FU 傅林 LinFU傅林 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringAssistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Personal Web linfu@ust.hk (852) 3469 2969 Ada Yin-Suen FUNG 馮宜萱 Ada Yin-SuenFUNG馮宜萱 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web (852) 2358 7152 May FUNG MayFUNG Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web yrfung@ust.hk (852) 2358 8332 Pascale FUNG 馮雁 PascaleFUNG馮雁 Chair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringDirector of Center for Artificial Intelligence Research Personal Web pascale@ust.hk (852) 2358 8537 G Guillermo GALLEGO GuillermoGALLEGO Professor Emeritus, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Personal Web ggallego@ust.hk (852) 2358 7099 Furong GAO 高福榮 FurongGAO高福榮 Chair Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringDirector of Center for Polymer Processing and Systems Personal Web kefgao@ust.hk (852) 2358 7139 Hanyu GAO 高寒宇 HanyuGAO高寒宇 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web hanyugao@ust.hk (852) 3469 2443 Liuqing GAO 高柳青 LiuqingGAO高柳青 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringJunior Fellow, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study Personal Web eelgao@ust.hk (852) 2358 6002 Ping GAO 高平 PingGAO高平 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringAssociate Director of Center for Polymer Processing and Systems Personal Web kepgao@ust.hk (852) 2358 7126 Yongsheng GAO 高詠生 YongshengGAO高詠生 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Personal Web meygao@ust.hk (852) 2358 8649 Zhenyu GAO 高振宇 ZhenyuGAO高振宇 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Personal Web zhenyugao@ust.hk (852) 2358 8119 Mohamed Salah GHIDAOUI 招捷達 Mohamed SalahGHIDAOUI招捷達 Chinese Estates Professor of EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web ghidaoui@ust.hk (852) 2358 7174 Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Block A Advanced oxidation technologies C Clean technologies and cleaner production technologies A Advanced materials Advanced materials Advanced Materials Advanced Materials Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced materials and technology Aircraft & Aeronautical Engineering Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence B Biomechanics Built environment C CAD/CAM Computational mechanics Construction Management Construction Management Construction Management Construction Management Control and Robotic Systems (CRS) Creation of new advanced materials, and development of new fluorescent biosensors Cybersecurity D Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data science and PSE Decipherment of new luminescent processes Design and manufacturing Design and optimization of processes and products for environmental applications E Electronic Packaging Electronic packaging Energy Energy and environment Energy recovery Energy storage & distribution Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental engineering Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability Environmental studies Exploration of new polymerization reactions F Formulation G Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical H Heat transfer Hydraulics Hydraulics Hydraulics Hydraulics I Impact dynamics Innovative environmental technologies Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated circuits and systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) M Materials Analysis Microelectronics (mE) Microsystems N Nano Technology Nano technology Nano Technology Nano Technology Networking and computer systems P Plasma technology and Nuclear Fusion Energy Systems Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science, and Biomedical Engineering Product and process systems engineering S SMART city Solid Mechanics Solid mechanics Solid-State Electronics and Photonics (S2EP) Solid-State Electronics and Photonics (S2EP) Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural dynamics Synthesis of new functional (macro)molecules T Thermofluid and energy Transportation Transportation Transportation Two-phase flow V Vision and Graphics Vision and Graphics W Waste minimization Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Block Department / Unit - Select --Office of the Dean of Engineering-Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering-Department of Computer Science and Engineering-Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering-Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics-Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Rank - Select -Chair ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorResearch Assistant ProfessorSenior LecturerLecturer ILecturer II Search Name Position Tel Email C Justin CHUANG 莊哲義 Adjunct Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel Email justinchuang@ust.hk Samuel Ho Kwong CHUI Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email Albert Chi Shing CHUNG 鍾志成 Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringDirector of Center for Medical Imaging and Analysis Tel (852) 2358 8776 Email achung@ust.hk Francesco CIUCCI Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel Email francesco.ciucci@ust.hk D Ji DAI 戴吉 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email cedj@ust.hk Lun DAI 代倫 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email dailun@ust.hk Yangfan DENG 鄧楊帆 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email yfdeng@ust.hk Shimin DI 邸世民 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel Email dishimin@ust.hk Ilias DIMITRAKOPOULOS Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 5975 Email ilias@ust.hk Cunsheng DING 丁存生 Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7021 Email cding@ust.hk Huaren DOU 竇華仁 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email Juan DU 杜娟 Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel Email juandu@ust.hk Molong DUAN 段默龍 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringAssociate Director of Center for Smart Manufacturing Tel (852) 3469 3024 Email duan@ust.hk Tianwei DUAN 段甜偉 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 3469 2783 Email twduan@ust.hk Amartansh DUBEY Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 3469 2865 Email eedubey@ust.hk F Zhiyong FAN 范智勇 Chair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringDirector of Center on Smart Sensors and Environmental Technologies Tel (852) 2358 8027 Email eezfan@ust.hk Muhammad Usman FARID Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7130 Email mufarid@ust.hk Yiding FENG 馮逸丁 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Tel (852) 2358 7982 Email ydfeng@ust.hk Lin FU 傅林 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringAssistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Tel (852) 3469 2969 Email linfu@ust.hk Ada Yin-Suen FUNG 馮宜萱 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email May FUNG Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8332 Email yrfung@ust.hk Pascale FUNG 馮雁 Chair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringDirector of Center for Artificial Intelligence Research Tel (852) 2358 8537 Email pascale@ust.hk G Guillermo GALLEGO Professor Emeritus, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Tel (852) 2358 7099 Email ggallego@ust.hk Furong GAO 高福榮 Chair Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringDirector of Center for Polymer Processing and Systems Tel (852) 2358 7139 Email kefgao@ust.hk Hanyu GAO 高寒宇 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 3469 2443 Email hanyugao@ust.hk Liuqing GAO 高柳青 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringJunior Fellow, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study Tel (852) 2358 6002 Email eelgao@ust.hk Ping GAO 高平 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringAssociate Director of Center for Polymer Processing and Systems Tel (852) 2358 7126 Email kepgao@ust.hk Yongsheng GAO 高詠生 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8649 Email meygao@ust.hk Zhenyu GAO 高振宇 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8119 Email zhenyugao@ust.hk Mohamed Salah GHIDAOUI 招捷達 Chinese Estates Professor of EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7174 Email ghidaoui@ust.hk Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5