Home About SENG Our People Faculty Listing Faculty Listing Block Department / Unit - Select --Office of the Dean of Engineering-Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering-Department of Computer Science and Engineering-Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering-Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics-Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Rank - Select -Chair ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorResearch Assistant ProfessorSenior LecturerLecturer ILecturer II Search G Mohamed Salah GHIDAOUI 招捷達 Mohamed SalahGHIDAOUI招捷達 Chinese Estates Professor of EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web ghidaoui@ust.hk (852) 2358 7174 Ravindra Stephen GOONETILLEKE 耿樂偉 Ravindra StephenGOONETILLEKE耿樂偉 Professor Emeritus, Division of Integrative Systems and DesignProfessor Emeritus, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Personal Web ravindra@ust.hk Isabel GUAN 管軼 IsabelGUAN管軼 Lecturer II, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eeguan@ust.hk (852) 3469 2537 Huayan GUO 郭化鹽 HuayanGUO郭化鹽 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eeguohuayan@ust.hk (852) 2358 1458 Jiajia GUO 郭佳佳 JiajiaGUO郭佳佳 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eejiajiaguo@ust.hk Song GUO 郭嵩 SongGUO郭嵩 Associate Head (Research & Knowledge Transfer) and Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web songguo@ust.hk (852) 2358 8833 Yike GUO 郭毅可 YikeGUO郭毅可 ProvostChair Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web yikeguo@ust.hk (852) 2358 6122 H Albert Yiu Cheung HA 夏耀祥 Albert Yiu CheungHA夏耀祥 Wei Lun Foundation Professor of BusinessChair Professor, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations ManagementChair Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Personal Web imayha@ust.hk (852) 2358 7724 Mounir HAMDI 韓隸 MounirHAMDI韓隸 Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web hamdi@cse.ust.hk Jiarui HAN 韓佳芮 JiaruiHAN韓佳芮 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web jrhan@ust.hk (852) 2358 8761 Tianwei HAO 郝天偉 Tianwei HAO 郝天偉 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web cethao@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Hengtao HE 何恒濤 HengtaoHE何恒濤 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eehthe@ust.hk (852) 2358 5003 Jian HE 何健 JianHE何健 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web hejian@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Junxian HE 何俊賢 JunxianHE何俊賢 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web junxianh@ust.hk (852) 2358 8765 ManchaoHE何滿潮 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web (852) 2358 7152 Thomas On-Sing HO 何安誠 Thomas On-SingHO 何安誠 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web (852) 2358 7152 Vincent Simon HO 何世傑 Vincent SimonHO何世傑 Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering vsho@ust.hk Weiyin HONG 洪偉音 WeiyinHONG洪偉音 Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations ManagementCo-Director of MSc in Financial Technology Personal Web whong@ust.hk (852) 2358 7645 Andrew Brian HORNER 康立德 Andrew BrianHORNER康立德 Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringProfessor, Division of Arts and Machine Creativity Personal Web horner@ust.hk (852) 2358 6998 Janet Hui-wen HSIAO 蕭惠文 Janet Hui-wenHSIAO蕭惠文 Professor, Division of Social ScienceProfessor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web jhhsiao@ust.hk (852) 3469 3127 I-ming HSING 邢怡銘 I-mingHSING邢怡銘 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringProgram Director of MSc in Biomolecular Engineering and Health Informatics Personal Web kehsing@ust.hk (852) 2358 7131 Thomas Wei Chung HU 胡惟忠 Thomas Wei ChungHU胡惟忠 Associate Professor of Engineering EducationSenior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web thomashu@ust.hk (852) 2358 7179 Wenqi HU 胡文琪 WenqiHU胡文琪 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringAssistant Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design Personal Web wenqi@ust.hk (852) 3469 3207 Xijun HU 胡喜軍 XijunHU胡喜軍 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web kexhu@ust.hk (852) 2358 7134 Yushen HU 胡玉申 YushenHU胡玉申 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering eehys@ust.hk (852) 3469 2608 Baoling HUANG 黃寶陵 BaolingHUANG黃寶陵 Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringCo-Director of Energy Materials and Systems LabCo-Director of Electronic Packaging Laboratory Personal Web mebhuang@ust.hk (852) 2358 7181 Pingbo HUANG 黃平波 PingboHUANG黃平波 Professor, Division of Life ScienceProfessor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringPG Programs Coordinator (Life Science) Personal Web bohuangp@ust.hk (852) 2358 7305 Xun HUANG 黄迅 Xun HUANG 黄迅 Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Personal Web huangxun@ust.hk Chi Wai HUI 許志偉 Chi WaiHUI許志偉 Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web kehui@ust.hk (852) 2358 7137 I Ricci IEONG 楊思聰 RicciIEONG 楊思聰 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web ricci@cse.ust.hk (852) 2358 7019 Page 2 Page 3 Current page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Block A Advanced oxidation technologies C Clean technologies and cleaner production technologies A Advanced Materials Advanced materials Advanced Materials Advanced materials Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced materials and technology Aircraft & Aeronautical Engineering Artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence B Biomechanics Built environment C CAD/CAM Computational mechanics Construction Management Construction Management Construction Management Construction Management Control and Robotic Systems (CRS) Creation of new advanced materials, and development of new fluorescent biosensors Cybersecurity D Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data science and PSE Decipherment of new luminescent processes Design and manufacturing Design and optimization of processes and products for environmental applications E Electronic packaging Electronic Packaging Energy Energy and environment Energy recovery Energy storage & distribution Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental engineering Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability Environmental studies Exploration of new polymerization reactions F Formulation G Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical H Heat transfer Hydraulics Hydraulics Hydraulics Hydraulics I Impact dynamics Innovative environmental technologies Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated circuits and systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) M Materials Analysis Microelectronics (mE) Microsystems N Nano Technology Nano Technology Nano technology Nano Technology Networking and computer systems P Plasma technology and Nuclear Fusion Energy Systems Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science, and Biomedical Engineering Product and process systems engineering S SMART city Solid Mechanics Solid mechanics Solid-State Electronics and Photonics (S2EP) Solid-State Electronics and Photonics (S2EP) Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural dynamics Synthesis of new functional (macro)molecules T Thermofluid and energy Transportation Transportation Transportation Two-phase flow V Vision and Graphics Vision and Graphics W Waste minimization Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Block Department / Unit - Select --Office of the Dean of Engineering-Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering-Department of Computer Science and Engineering-Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering-Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics-Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Rank - Select -Chair ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorResearch Assistant ProfessorSenior LecturerLecturer ILecturer II Search Name Position Tel Email G Mohamed Salah GHIDAOUI 招捷達 Chinese Estates Professor of EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7174 Email ghidaoui@ust.hk Ravindra Stephen GOONETILLEKE 耿樂偉 Professor Emeritus, Division of Integrative Systems and DesignProfessor Emeritus, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Tel Email ravindra@ust.hk Isabel GUAN 管軼 Lecturer II, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 3469 2537 Email eeguan@ust.hk Huayan GUO 郭化鹽 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 2358 1458 Email eeguohuayan@ust.hk Jiajia GUO 郭佳佳 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel Email eejiajiaguo@ust.hk Song GUO 郭嵩 Associate Head (Research & Knowledge Transfer) and Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8833 Email songguo@ust.hk Yike GUO 郭毅可 ProvostChair Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringChair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 2358 6122 Email yikeguo@ust.hk H Albert Yiu Cheung HA 夏耀祥 Wei Lun Foundation Professor of BusinessChair Professor, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations ManagementChair Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Tel (852) 2358 7724 Email imayha@ust.hk Mounir HAMDI 韓隸 Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel Email hamdi@cse.ust.hk Jiarui HAN 韓佳芮 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8761 Email jrhan@ust.hk Tianwei HAO 郝天偉 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email cethao@ust.hk Hengtao HE 何恒濤 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 2358 5003 Email eehthe@ust.hk Jian HE 何健 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email hejian@ust.hk Junxian HE 何俊賢 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8765 Email junxianh@ust.hk Manchao HE 何滿潮 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email Thomas On-Sing HO 何安誠 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email Vincent Simon HO 何世傑 Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel Email vsho@ust.hk Weiyin HONG 洪偉音 Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations ManagementCo-Director of MSc in Financial Technology Tel (852) 2358 7645 Email whong@ust.hk Andrew Brian HORNER 康立德 Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringProfessor, Division of Arts and Machine Creativity Tel (852) 2358 6998 Email horner@ust.hk Janet Hui-wen HSIAO 蕭惠文 Professor, Division of Social ScienceProfessor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 3469 3127 Email jhhsiao@ust.hk I-ming HSING 邢怡銘 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringProgram Director of MSc in Biomolecular Engineering and Health Informatics Tel (852) 2358 7131 Email kehsing@ust.hk Thomas Wei Chung HU 胡惟忠 Associate Professor of Engineering EducationSenior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7179 Email thomashu@ust.hk Wenqi HU 胡文琪 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringAssistant Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design Tel (852) 3469 3207 Email wenqi@ust.hk Xijun HU 胡喜軍 Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7134 Email kexhu@ust.hk Yushen HU 胡玉申 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 3469 2608 Email eehys@ust.hk Baoling HUANG 黃寶陵 Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringCo-Director of Energy Materials and Systems LabCo-Director of Electronic Packaging Laboratory Tel (852) 2358 7181 Email mebhuang@ust.hk Pingbo HUANG 黃平波 Professor, Division of Life ScienceProfessor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringPG Programs Coordinator (Life Science) Tel (852) 2358 7305 Email bohuangp@ust.hk Xun HUANG 黄迅 Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel Email huangxun@ust.hk Chi Wai HUI 許志偉 Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7137 Email kehui@ust.hk I Ricci IEONG 楊思聰 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7019 Email ricci@cse.ust.hk Page 2 Page 3 Current page 4 Page 5 Page 6