
In the domain of microelectronic engineering, generation after generation of electronic components, each smaller than the previous, have been invented, in a bid to better perform existing functions or create even more advanced ones, while using as little space as possible.
To this end, nanofabrication has a prominent position in SENG’s research repertoire, as it deals with the design and manufacture of devices measured in nanometers. Such creations pave the way for the manufacture of increasingly important components, such as super-high-density microprocessors and memory chips.
Meanwhile, the wiring techniques entailed in either digital integrated or analog circuits play a pivotal role in the performance of minuscule electronic gadgets and components. Here at SENG, experts in the field of electronic and computer engineering have immersed themselves in the research and development of circuits and devices such as analog integrated circuits, as well as the important technology of very-large-scale integration (VLSI), which is responsible for creating an integrated circuit by combining and fitting millions of transistors into a single chip.
Besides, our research has consistently led to significant discoveries in the fields of sensor technology, data converters and semiconductors including compound or high frequency semiconductor devices.
On the whole, our study of microelectronics has been laying a solid foundation for bringing small-scale gadgets to the next level—reducing their sizes without compromising their superb functionalities.
Relevant Faculty Members
Relevant Research Infrastructure
- AI Chip Center for Emerging Smart Systems (ACCESS)
- Center for Display Research (CDR)
- Center for Integrated Micro Systems (CIMS)
- Center on Smart Sensors and Environmental Technologies
- Electronic Packaging Laboratory (EPACK Lab)
- HKUST Collaborative Innovation Center
- HKUST Foshan Research Institute for Smart Manufacturing (FRISM)
- HKUST-Huawei Joint Laboratory
- Hong Kong Center for Construction Robotics
- Integrated Circuits Design Center (ICDC)
- Nanosystem Fabrication Facility (NFF)
- Photonics Technology Center (PTC)
- Research Center on Smart Manufacturing
- State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies (SKL of ADT)