Home About SENG Our People Faculty Listing Faculty Listing Block Department / Unit - Select --Office of the Dean of Engineering-Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering-Department of Computer Science and Engineering-Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering-Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics-Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Rank - Select -Chair ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorResearch Assistant ProfessorSenior LecturerLecturer ILecturer II Search J Sisi JIAN 簡思思 SisiJIAN簡思思 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web cesjian@ust.hk (852) 2358 8185 Jiashuo JIANG 姜嘉碩 JiashuoJIANG姜嘉碩 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Personal Web jsjiang@ust.hk (852) 2358 8230 Wei JIANG 蔣為 WeiJIANG蔣為 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Personal Web weijiang@ust.hk (852) 2358 7091 Ajay JONEJA 周阿杰 AjayJONEJA周阿杰 Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and DesignProfessor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision AnalyticsProgram Director of MSc in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship Personal Web joneja@ust.hk (852) 2358 7119 K Amir KAFSHDAR GOHARSHADY AmirKAFSHDAR GOHARSHADY Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringAssistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Personal Web goharshady@ust.hk (852) 2358 8339 Lambros KATAFYGIOTIS 簡達福 LambrosKATAFYGIOTIS簡達福 Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web lambros@ust.hk (852) 2358 8750 Wing Hung KI 暨永雄 Wing HungKI暨永雄 Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web eeki@ust.hk (852) 2358 8516 Jang Kyo KIM 金章教 Jang KyoKIM金章教 Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Personal Web mejkkim@ust.hk Sung Hun KIM 金成勳 Sung HunKIM金成勳 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web hunkim@ust.hk (852) 2358 6992 Yoonseob KIM YoonseobKIM Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web yoonseobkim@ust.hk (852) 2358 7138 Ping Keung KO 高秉強 Ping KeungKO高秉強 Professor Emeritus, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Personal Web pingko@ust.hk Becki Yi KUANG 曠怡 Becki YiKUANG曠怡 Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringPG Programs Coordinator (Bioengineering) Personal Web kekuang@ust.hk (852) 3469 2617 Jun Shang KUANG 鄺君尚 Jun Shang KUANG鄺君尚 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web cejkuang@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Hoi Sing KWOK 郭海成 Hoi SingKWOK郭海成 Visiting Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringExecutive Director of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies Personal Web eekwok@ust.hk (852) 2358 7056 James Tin Yau KWOK 郭天佑 James Tin YauKWOK郭天佑 Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringCo-Director of Risk Management and Business Intelligence Program Personal Web jamesk@ust.hk (852) 2358 7013 Kenny Chung Sau KWOK 郭中秀 Kenny Chung SauKWOK 郭中秀 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web kkwok@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 L Yong LAI 賴勇 YongLAI賴勇 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web yonglai@ust.hk (852) 2358 7237 Zhilu LAI 賴志路 ZhiluLAI賴志路 Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering zhilulai@ust.hk Richard LAKERVELD RichardLAKERVELD Associate Head and Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web kelakerveld@ust.hk (852) 3469 2217 Alex LAM 林岳 AlexLAM林岳 Lecturer I, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web lamngok@ust.hk (852) 2358 6986 David Chuen Chun LAM 林銓振 David Chuen ChunLAM林銓振 Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Personal Web medcclam@ust.hk (852) 2358 7208 Gibson LAM 林傑遜 GibsonLAM林傑遜 Assistant Professor of Engineering EducationSenior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Personal Web gibson@ust.hk (852) 2358 6984 Henry Hei Ning LAM 林熙寧 Henry Hei NingLAM林熙寧 Associate Head and Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringDirector of Center for Engineering Education Innovation Personal Web kehlam@ust.hk (852) 2358 7133 Kit Ming LAM 林傑明 Kit MingLAM林傑明 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web kitminglam@ust.hk (852) 2358 7152 Leung Yuk Frank LAM 林樑旭 Leung Yuk FrankLAM林樑旭 Associate Dean of StudentsAssistant Professor of Engineering EducationSenior Lecturer, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Personal Web kefrank@ust.hk (852) 2358 7239 Alexis Kai Hon LAU 劉啟漢 Alexis Kai HonLAU劉啟漢 Head and Chair Professor, Division of Environment and SustainabilityChair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringDirector of Institute for the Environment Personal Web alau@ust.hk (852) 2358 6944 Chi-Keung LAU 劉志強 Chi-KeungLAU劉志強 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web (852) 2358 7152 Jack LAU 廖家俊 JackLAU廖家俊 Former Chairman, Institutional Advancement and Outreach Committee, CouncilAdjunct Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringUniversity Honorary Fellow Personal Web eejlau@ust.hk James C W LAU 劉志宏 James C W LAU 劉志宏 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Personal Web (852) 2358 7152 Kei May LAU 劉紀美 Kei MayLAU劉紀美 Chair Professor in Microelectronics Thrust, Function Hub, HKUST (Guangzhou)Professor Emeritus, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringSenior Fellow, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study Personal Web eekmlau@ust.hk (852) 2358 7049 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Block A Advanced oxidation technologies C Clean technologies and cleaner production technologies A Advanced materials Advanced Materials Advanced Materials Advanced materials Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced Materials & Technology Advanced materials and technology Aircraft & Aeronautical Engineering Artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence B Biomechanics Built environment C CAD/CAM Computational mechanics Construction Management Construction Management Construction Management Construction Management Control and Robotic Systems (CRS) Creation of new advanced materials, and development of new fluorescent biosensors Cybersecurity D Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data Science and AI (DSAI) Data science and PSE Decipherment of new luminescent processes Design and manufacturing Design and optimization of processes and products for environmental applications E Electronic Packaging Electronic packaging Energy Energy and environment Energy recovery Energy storage & distribution Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental engineering Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability Environmental Engineering: Environmental Sustainability Environmental studies Exploration of new polymerization reactions F Formulation G Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical Geotechnical H Heat transfer Hydraulics Hydraulics Hydraulics Hydraulics I Impact dynamics Innovative environmental technologies Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated circuits and systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICS) M Materials Analysis Microelectronics (mE) Microsystems N Nano technology Nano Technology Nano Technology Nano Technology Networking and computer systems P Plasma technology and Nuclear Fusion Energy Systems Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science, and Biomedical Engineering Product and process systems engineering S SMART city Solid Mechanics Solid mechanics Solid-State Electronics and Photonics (S2EP) Solid-State Electronics and Photonics (S2EP) Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural dynamics Synthesis of new functional (macro)molecules T Thermofluid & energy Thermofluid and energy Transportation Transportation Transportation Two-phase flow V Vision and Graphics Vision and Graphics W Waste minimization Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Block Department / Unit - Select --Office of the Dean of Engineering-Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering-Department of Computer Science and Engineering-Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering-Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics-Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Rank - Select -Chair ProfessorProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant ProfessorResearch Assistant ProfessorSenior LecturerLecturer ILecturer II Search Name Position Tel Email J Sisi JIAN 簡思思 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8185 Email cesjian@ust.hk Jiashuo JIANG 姜嘉碩 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Tel (852) 2358 8230 Email jsjiang@ust.hk Wei JIANG 蔣為 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics Tel (852) 2358 7091 Email weijiang@ust.hk Ajay JONEJA 周阿杰 Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and DesignProfessor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision AnalyticsProgram Director of MSc in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship Tel (852) 2358 7119 Email joneja@ust.hk K Amir KAFSHDAR GOHARSHADY Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringAssistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Tel (852) 2358 8339 Email goharshady@ust.hk Lambros KATAFYGIOTIS 簡達福 Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8750 Email lambros@ust.hk Wing Hung KI 暨永雄 Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel (852) 2358 8516 Email eeki@ust.hk Jang Kyo KIM 金章教 Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel Email mejkkim@ust.hk Sung Hun KIM 金成勳 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 6992 Email hunkim@ust.hk Yoonseob KIM Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7138 Email yoonseobkim@ust.hk Ping Keung KO 高秉強 Professor Emeritus, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Tel Email pingko@ust.hk Becki Yi KUANG 曠怡 Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringPG Programs Coordinator (Bioengineering) Tel (852) 3469 2617 Email kekuang@ust.hk Jun Shang KUANG 鄺君尚 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email cejkuang@ust.hk Hoi Sing KWOK 郭海成 Visiting Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringExecutive Director of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies Tel (852) 2358 7056 Email eekwok@ust.hk James Tin Yau KWOK 郭天佑 Professor, Department of Computer Science and EngineeringCo-Director of Risk Management and Business Intelligence Program Tel (852) 2358 7013 Email jamesk@ust.hk Kenny Chung Sau KWOK 郭中秀 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email kkwok@ust.hk L Yong LAI 賴勇 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7237 Email yonglai@ust.hk Zhilu LAI 賴志路 Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel Email zhilulai@ust.hk Richard LAKERVELD Associate Head and Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 3469 2217 Email kelakerveld@ust.hk Alex LAM 林岳 Lecturer I, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 6986 Email lamngok@ust.hk David Chuen Chun LAM 林銓振 Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7208 Email medcclam@ust.hk Gibson LAM 林傑遜 Assistant Professor of Engineering EducationSenior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tel (852) 2358 6984 Email gibson@ust.hk Henry Hei Ning LAM 林熙寧 Associate Head and Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringDirector of Center for Engineering Education Innovation Tel (852) 2358 7133 Email kehlam@ust.hk Kit Ming LAM 林傑明 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email kitminglam@ust.hk Leung Yuk Frank LAM 林樑旭 Associate Dean of StudentsAssistant Professor of Engineering EducationSenior Lecturer, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7239 Email kefrank@ust.hk Alexis Kai Hon LAU 劉啟漢 Head and Chair Professor, Division of Environment and SustainabilityChair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringDirector of Institute for the Environment Tel (852) 2358 6944 Email alau@ust.hk Chi-Keung LAU 劉志強 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email Jack LAU 廖家俊 Former Chairman, Institutional Advancement and Outreach Committee, CouncilAdjunct Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringUniversity Honorary Fellow Tel Email eejlau@ust.hk James C W LAU 劉志宏 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel (852) 2358 7152 Email Kei May LAU 劉紀美 Chair Professor in Microelectronics Thrust, Function Hub, HKUST (Guangzhou)Professor Emeritus, Department of Electronic and Computer EngineeringSenior Fellow, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study Tel (852) 2358 7049 Email eekmlau@ust.hk Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7