MSc in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

With effect from 2023/24 Fall intake, MSc in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBME) will be changed to MSc in Chemical and Energy Engineering (CEE). Visit the program website of MSc CEE for details.
Students are required to complete a total of 30 credits of coursework, made up of at least 12 credits of foundation courses and 6 credits of elective courses. Students who do not possess a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering will be required to take at least 15 credits of foundation courses. All students may also take a maximum of 9 credits of non-CBME postgraduate courses, subject to the approval of the Program Director. For details, please refer to the Postgraduate Program Catalog & Course Catalog.
Admission and English Proficiency Requirements
Applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering or a related discipline with second-class honors or higher, or an equivalent qualification from a recognized university or tertiary institution. For English Proficiency Requirements, please refer to HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School.
Program Fee
The nominal program fee for 2022/23 Fall intake for full-time study is HK$155,000 (paid in 2 installments) and part-time study is HK$135,000 (paid in 4 installments) respectively.