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科大工學院(工學院)以培育有思想、敢創新的人才為己任,透過工程學與創新科技為社會帶來積極影響,從而締造更美好的美來。為配合工學院社群每位師生發揮無限創意和突破既有規限,工學院也致力提供各種教育和全方位發展機會 ,支持這些人才開展屬於他們的創業之旅。
Jack LAU, Chairman of Swanland.AI
「開始時並不是一帆風順。我們要想辦法解決資金短缺、研究和製作原型樽頸等問題。最大的得著,就是學懂任何情況都要做好準備,無論迎面而來的如何意想不到,然後將每個錯誤變成學習的機會,督促自己成長。」- Swanland.AI主席廖家俊
Frank WANG, Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer of DJI
「我唸研究院的第一年便已經開設了自己的公司,還有很多相信我的教授給予了不少幫助。」 - 大疆創新科技有限公司創辦人、首席執行官及首席科技官汪滔
ZHANG Yunfei, Founder & President of Zhuhai Yunzhou Intelligence Technology Ltd.
「為大灣區內的年輕朋友提供機會,讓他們可以多些游走於不同城市,有更多機會交流和合作,是我特別感興趣也希望能做到的事情 。」 - 珠海雲洲智慧科技有限公司創辦人及主席張雲飛
Terry TSANG, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Mad Head Limited
「身為科大畢業生,我們都接受了世界級大學的優質教育,成為社會上得天獨厚的小社群。所以我深信這個小社群有責任回饋社會,幫助其他人追夢。」- Mad Head Limited創辦人及行政總裁曾建中
Vanessa HO , CEO of Pure Living Inc Limited
「得到科大教授的支持和提供研發新意念,我們可以更善用營商經驗,篩選出有市場潛力的產品。此外,因為老師會介紹優秀能幹的畢業生,我們可以更快和更容易地找到適當人才。」- Pure Living Inc Limited行政總裁何寶琪
Angus LUK, Co-founder of EventX
「我們每天都探究不同問題。這樣做很有彈性,而且這種別具創意的工作和解難方式令人非常有滿足感。」- EventX聯合創辦人陸啟哲
Lydia LEUNG, CEO of Belun Technology Company Limitedvvvv
「雖然初創公司有可能成功生存甚至茁壯成長,但也有很大機會無法起飛。所以我們需要接納最基本的工作環境,更要凝聚意志堅定的知音。」 - 倍靈科技有限公司首席執行官梁立慧
Calvin ZHANG, Co-founder & CEO of Incus Company Limited
「工學院主辦的TLE計劃非常獨特,匯聚了工學院、理學院和工商管理學院所有教授,但運作方式卻非由教授選學生,而是由我們這些研究生選擇與哪位教授合作。」- 音科有限公司聯合創辦人及行政總裁張健鋼
Issac LEUNG, Co-founder & CEO of AutoSafe
「創業是自我發現的旅程,期間充滿挑戰,要學習自己面對所有問題。總括而言,我很感恩有機會擴闊視野。」- AutoSafe聯合創辦人及行政總裁梁栢謙
Michelle FNO, Founder of Aromeo
「我發現中學女生不願意發聲,因為她們害怕出錯。這方面比工程學還要基本,關係到如何為自己站起來。」- Aromeo創辦人Michelle FNO
Jeff CHEN, Co-Founder of Lumos
「如果你有些想法但不知道是否可行,便應試了再說。原型開發現在已經變得非常容易。拿著原型,你便可訪問其他人的想法。如果你需要市場推廣又或籌募資金的幫助,科大會有很多樂意助你一臂之力的人。」 - Lumos聯合創辦人陳浩然
Prof. LI Zexiang
「我們開始思考怎樣把研究帶到實驗室以外,為身邊不同業界轉化成有用的產品。」 – 李澤湘教授
Prof. YEUNG Sai-Kit
「足以發表論文的研究主題不一定可以轉化成商業產品,當中還需要運用設計思維、一套以用家為中心的方法來解決問題。」- 楊世傑教授
Prof. Terrence YEE
「我很幸運可以見證了很多學生創業家成立了初創企業,而過程中,他們的能力有很大進步,為世界帶來有實效的影響。」 – 余瑞富教授
160 plus patent applications and 60 plus patents granted per year
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160 plus patent applications and 60 plus patents granted per year
Entrepreneurship Support
Evolving from prototypes and innovative ideas, the knowledge has to be transferred effectively to the community to maximize its utility. As such, the University has taken incentives to facilitate knowledge transfer through financial support, advising and networking among students, faculty members, outstanding alumni and the industry.
Entrepreneurial Education
We strive to equip the aspiring young entrepreneurs with practical knowledge and skills, as well as inculcating the entrepreneurial mindset through education and experiential learning experiences.
UG Minor Program in Entrepreneurship
UG Minor Program in Entrepreneurship
The program is jointly offered by the School of Engineering, School of Science and School of Business & Management for undergraduate students to equip them with the fundamentals and specific skillset for future entrepreneurship.
MSc in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship
MSc in Technology Leadership and EntrepreneurshipMSc in Technology Leadership and EntrepreneurshipMSc in Technology Leadership and EntrepreneurshipMSc in Technology Leadership and EntrepreneurshipMSc in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Jointly offered by the School of Engineering and the School of Business & Management, this program is designed for entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs interested in building a strategic technical advantage into their product and gaining access to advanced facilities, up-to-date know-how and talent-pool for prototyping and launching their product into the market.
Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning
Supported with guidance from faculty members and abundant hardware resources such as the Dream Team Open Lab and the USEL Lab, students are engaged in real-life projects and put their ideas into action through experiential learning, to develop their entrepreneurial skills and spark their spirits.
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Outside classroom, students are encouraged to take part in competitions and activities, to ignite their entrepreneurial spirit. Faculty members, alumni and their seniors are also dedicated to pass the torch, to guide and assist the young talents in transforming as leaders and innovators.
ABU Robocon Festival 2020
Honoring the spirit of innovation and challenge, students are encouraged to participate in competitions to sharpen their skillset and pursue their innovative ideas as part of the entrepreneurial learning process.
Fireside Chat Series
Fireside Chat Series
Seminars and events are held throughout the year, aiming to cultivate students’ entrepreneurial mindset. As one of the initiatives, SENG invited prominent leaders and alumni to give insightful sharing at the Fireside Chat Series hosted in collaboration with the Entrepreneurship Center.
Career Exposure
Career Exposure
Internship and part-time opportunities at start-ups are provided for young talents with various job functions including research, software engineering, etc. Through immersive experience, students could gain entrepreneurial insights and deeper understanding of how a start-up functions, and sharpen their interpersonal and problem-solving skills in the process.
More News & Stories
Explore about the aspirations, innovations and accomplishments of our faculty, students and alumni.
Prof. Sun Qingping (front row, fourth left), Prof. Yao Shuhuai (front row, third left), both Professors of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), MAE Postdoctoral Research Associate Dr. Zhou Guoan (front row, second left), MAE PhD student Li Zexi (front row, first left), and other members of the research team with their elastocaloric air conditioner.
HKUST Engineering Researchers Developed Eco-Friendly Cooling Device with Record-Breaking Efficiency
Photoluminescence of flexible full-color Fi-LEDs: I ♥ HKUST pattern (left) and “night scene” of Victoria Harbor showing color transition (right), built by mounting batches of fibers.
HKUST Engineering Researchers Developed Full-Color Fiber LEDs Based on Perovskite Quantum Wires
Prof. Zhou Yuanyuan (right) and Dr. Duan Tianwei (left) holding their newly developed perovskite solar cell.
HKUST Engineering Researchers Enhanced Perovskite Solar Cells Durability with First-of-Its-Kind Chiral-Structured “Springy” Interface
HKUST Engineering research team develops a novel artificial compound eye system.
HKUST Engineering Developed Groundbreaking Artificial Compound Eye to Revolutionize Robotic Vision at Lower Cost but Higher Sensitivity
Assistant Professor Lin Yen-Hung of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering and the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies (right), Electronic and Computer Engineering PhD student Cao Xueli (center), and Senior Manager of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies Dr. Fion Yeung (left)
HKUST Engineering Researchers Cracked the Code to Boost Solar Cell Efficiency and Durability
Prof. Zhou Yuanyuan shows a perovskite solar cell.
HKUST Engineering Researchers Discover a “Secret” Hidden Structure that Paves New Way of Making More Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells