Study at Washington University in St. Louis

HKUST-WashU Joint Education Program

Study at Washington University in St. Louis

East End campus aerial

What do students do at the Washington University during Year 4?

During Year 4, students admitted to WashU will be registered as an exchange student. They will be engaged in a full-time course of study that enables them to complete all remaining requirements for their HKUST bachelor's degree, including a Final Year Thesis (FYT)/Final Year Project (FYP).  Students can enroll in relevant thesis/project course(s) offered by WashU, and carry out the thesis/project under the supervision of a McKelvey Engineering faculty member.

Apart from the Final Year Thesis/.Final Year Project, students are required to enroll in other courses at WashU to maintain a full time study load.  All the WashU courses would need to undergo a credit transfer approval process at HKUST if students plan to use them to fulfill their degree requirements.  It is worth noting that some of HKUST’s common core requirements are unique, and students should not expect that there can be credit transfer.  Examples are Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness (HMW), Chinese Communication (C-Comm), English Communication (E-Comm), Undergraduate Experiential Opportunities Programs (UxOP) courses, etc.  For details of the common core requirements for 2022-23 intake and after, please visit the HKUST Common Core website.

A Certificate in Engineering Science Studies will be issued to students by WashU upon satisfactory completion of their Year 4 studies there.