PanopticAI’s co-founders Dr. Kyle Wong (second right), Dr. Nick Chin (second left) and Mr. Teric Chan (first right), and their advisor Prof. Richard So (first left), Associate Dean of Engineering (Research and Graduate Studies).
Transforming Smartphones into Medical-Grade Vital Sign Monitors
Ir Andrew Young, Advisor (Innovation) of Sino Group and Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative Systems and Design at HKUST; Prof. Carrie Ling, Director of HKUST Entrepreneurship Center, and the winners.
Stimulating Creative Exchanges among Global Talents
Co-founded by Prof. Li Zexiang (eleventh right) and Prof. Ko Ping-Keung (seventh right) in 1999, Googol Technology was successfully listed on the ChiNext Board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on August 15, 2023.