Minor Program in Entrepreneurship

Minor Program in Entrepreneurship

The Minor Program in Entrepreneurship is jointly offered by the School of Science, School of Engineering and the School of Business & Management. This Minor Program is designed mainly for engineering, business and science students, but is also open to all students to apply.

Any undergraduate students with an overall CGA of 2.7 or above may enroll in this Minor Program. Students must declare their intention to enroll in the Minor Program no earlier than the first regular term of their second year of study but no later than the last day of the add/drop period in the first regular term of their final year of study. Students who wish to withdraw from the Minor Program should apply before the last day of the add/drop period in the last regular term of their final year of study.

Enrollment Requirements

Mainly for engineering, business and science students, but ALL undergraduate students at HKUST with CGA of 2.7 or above are eligible to apply.

Other Requirements

To graduate with a minor in Entrepreneurship, the students must have enrolled in the Minor Program and completed a minimum total of 18 credits and all of its requirements, as well as all the requirements of their major program of study. For students admitted in 2016-17 or after, they are also required to attain an average grade point of at least 2.5 in courses taken within the Minor Program. For credit transfer, students can transfer a maximum total of 6 credits to the Minor Program.

Out of the total credits required by the minor program, at least 9 credits should be single-counted within the minor and are not used to fulfill any other requirements for graduation except the 120-credit degree requirement.

Students may use no more than 6 credits earned from courses offered in pure online delivery mode to satisfy the graduation requirements of a degree program. This 6-credit limit does not apply to credits obtained through the credit transfer procedures of the University.

Enrollment Period

Students must declare their intention to enroll in the Minor Program no earlier than the first regular term of their second year of study but no later than the last day of the add/drop period in the first regular term of their final year of study. Students who wish to withdraw from the Minor Program should apply before the last day of the add/drop period in the last regular term of their final year of study.

Curriculum Requirements

For details, please refer to the program curriculum. You may also find the ENTR course outlines here (for reference only). They may be updated/revised by the instructor(s) from time to time. 

If you are interested in applying for Student-led Entrepreneurship Acceleration Project (ENTR4901-4), please refer to the guidelines here.

Application Procedures

Interested students please complete the "Declaration/ Withdrawal of Undergraduate Minor Program" (RR-37) and follow the procedures specified on the form. Together with the copy of unofficial transcript, please submit the form to the School of Science (for SSCI student), the School of Engineering (for SENG student) or the School of Business & Management (for SBM student). If you are from other Schools, please submit the form to the School of Science.


Prof. Chi Ying TSUI, Professor of Integrative Systems & Design and Electronic & Computer Engineering, is the current Program Director. For enquiry, please email to sscicourse@ust.hksengug@ust.hk, or bmminor@ust.hk