Micro-LED Micro-Display Developed by Alumni Won I-Zone Innovation Award at International Conference on Display Technology

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Enabling Next-Generation AR Applications

Micro-LED Micro-Display Developed by Alumni Won I-Zone Innovation Award at International Conference on Display Technology

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Electronic and Computer Engineering alumni Dr. Eddie Chong Wing-Cheung (front row, right) and Dr. Zhang Xu (back row, second right), both from Raysolve Technology, and their former PhD supervisor Prof. Kei May Lau (front row, left), together with other members of the company
Electronic and Computer Engineering alumni Dr. Eddie Chong Wing-Cheung (front row, right) and Dr. Zhang Xu (back row, second right), both from Raysolve Technology, and their former PhD supervisor Prof. Kei May Lau (front row, left), together with other members of the company [Download Photo]

A 0.39-inch single-chip full-color micro-LED micro-display, developed by Raysolve Technology, a semiconductor company founded by Electronic and Computer Engineering alumnus Dr. Eddie CHONG Wing-Cheung (2015 PhD, 2007 MPhil, 2005 BEng), won the First Prize of I-Zone Innovation Award at the 2023 International Conference on Display Technology (ICDT) held in early April in Nanjing, China. The innovation is set to bring a brand new immersive experience in consumer-level augmented reality (AR) glasses and devices.

The realization of full-color display on single chip is one of the main bottlenecks restricting the application of micro-LED. Through large-sized wafer bonding technology and photolithographic quantum dot process, Dr. Chong and his team developed a 0.39-inch single-chip full-color micro-LED micro-display that enables consumer-level AR glasses to be lighter and more portable, with improved brightness and resolution. Their innovation addresses the existing difficulty to make the glasses both lightweight and being capable of delivering high-resolution images at the same time, offering better performance and experience to users.

ICDT is one of the most important international conferences sponsored by the Society for Information Display (SID) outside the US. Held annually in Mainland China since 2017, it covers topics on a wide range of new display technology and the latest development of manufacturing technology.

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