Artificial Intelligence

Fong Ho-Ming, Year 3 student in Mechanical Engineering and General Business Management at HKUST.
Fong Ho-Ming, Year 3 student in Mechanical Engineering and General Business Management at HKUST. 
Inventive IoT Concept Propels Students Along Global Aviation Contest
Prof. Charles W. W. Ng
Prof. Charles W. W. Ng 
Substantial Funding Supports Multi-pronged Visionary Measures
Prof. Chen is named one of the "visionaries" for his breakthroughs in the realm of computer vision.
Prof. Chen is named one of the "visionaries" for his breakthroughs in the realm of computer vision. 
Faculty Recognized as Young Visionary for Breakthroughs in Computer Vision
Prof Wei Shyy, President of HKUST (left), and Prof Pascale Fung, Founding Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research, unveil the plaque for CAiRE.
Prof Wei Shyy, President of HKUST (left), and Prof Pascale Fung, Founding Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research, unveil the plaque for CAiRE. 
First Among Local Universities to Set Up All-Around AI-Focused Research Center
Mrs Carrie Lam (fifth left), The Chief Executive of HKSAR, officiates at the closing ceremony of Xiangshan Science Conference and the launching ceremony of HKSAIR. Other officiating guests are (from left): Mr Chen Lin, Director General of Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Dr Sunny Chai, Chairman of HKSTP; Mr Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of HKSAR; Mr Chen Dong, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Gov
Mrs Carrie Lam (fifth left), The Chief Executive of HKSAR, officiates at the closing ceremony of Xiangshan Science Conference and the launching ceremony of HKSAIR. Other officiating guests are (from left): Mr Chen Lin, Director General of Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Dr Sunny Chai, Chairman of HKSTP; Mr Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of HKSAR; Mr Chen Dong, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Prof Yang Qiang, Founding President of HKSAIR; Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST; Dr Tan Tieniu, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Prof Li Deyi, President of the China Association for Artificial Intelligence; and Prof Gao Wen, Peking University.  
At the opening ceremony for the HKUST-NAVER/LINE AI Laboratory are representatives from HKUST and NAVER/LINE. They include (4th from left) Prof Sunghun Kim, Director of HKUST-NAVER/LINE AI Lab; (5th from left) HKUST Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng; (6th from left) HKUST Acting President Prof Wei Shyy; (6th from right) NAVER Corporation Chief Executive Officer Ms Seong-sook Han; (5th from right) NAVER Corporation Vice President Ms Seon-ju Chae; and (4th from right) NAVER Corporation Talent Relations Team
At the opening ceremony for the HKUST-NAVER / LINE AI Laboratory are representatives from HKUST and NAVER / LINE. They include (4th from left) Prof Sunghun Kim, Director of HKUST-NAVER / LINE AI Lab; (5th from left) HKUST Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng; (6th from left) HKUST Acting President Prof Wei Shyy; (6th from right) NAVER Corporation Chief Executive Officer Ms Seong-sook Han; (5th from right) NAVER Corporation Vice President Ms Seon-ju Chae; and (4th from right) NAVER Corporation Talent Relations Team Leader Ms Hanna Ryu. 
Guests at the signing ceremony: (from left) Prof Long Quan, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Department, Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, Mr Wenbin Tang, Co-founder and CTO of Megvii, Prof Tony F Chan, President of HKUST, Mr Qi Yin, Co-founder and CEO of Megvii, Dr Sabrina Lin, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement, Dr Claudia Xu, Director of Technology Transfer Center and Mr Yinan Xie, GM of Branding and Marketing of Megvii
Guests at the signing ceremony: (from left) Prof Long Quan, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Department, Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, Mr Wenbin Tang, Co-founder and CTO of Megvii, Prof Tony F Chan, President of HKUST, Mr Qi Yin, Co-founder and CEO of Megvii, Dr Sabrina Lin, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement, Dr Claudia Xu, Director of Technology Transfer Center and Mr Yinan Xie, GM of Branding and Marketing of Megvii  
A Big Leap in Researches on AI, Image Recognition and Analysis
(8th from left) Prof Tony F Chan, President of HKUST; Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, HKUST; Prof Qiang Yang, Director of HKUST Big Data Institute; (1st from left) Prof Lei Chen, Associate Director of HKUST Big Data Institute, and distinguished guests from academia and industry.
(8th from left) Prof Tony F Chan, President of HKUST; Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, HKUST; Prof Qiang Yang, Director of HKUST Big Data Institute; (1st from left) Prof Lei Chen, Associate Director of HKUST Big Data Institute, and distinguished guests from academia and industry.  
A Dialogue Between Industry and Academia on Leveraging Fintech & AI
The organizers and speakers (from left) – (4th) Prof Michael Wang, Director of the HKUST Robotics Institute; (5th) Dr David Chung Wai-keung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government; (6th) Prof Wei Shyy, Executive Vice-President & Provost, HKUST; (8th) Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST; and (9th) Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, HKUST.
The organizers and speakers (from left) – (4th) Prof Michael Wang, Director of the HKUST Robotics Institute; (5th) Dr David Chung Wai-keung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government; (6th) Prof Wei Shyy, Executive Vice-President & Provost, HKUST; (8th) Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST; and (9th) Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, HKUST. 
Invention of City's First Autonomous Car – Saves Manpower & Enhances Safety
Prof Pascale Fung (1st from right, 3rd row from front) HKUST’s representative in Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society, joined a 2-day forum in Berlin on October 23-24 to exchange with global experts on issues including AI safety, security, AI and labor and AI’s social and societal influences. (Photo credit: Yann LeCun and Eric Horvitz)
Prof Pascale Fung (1st from right, 3rd row from front) HKUST’s representative in Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society, joined a 2-day forum in Berlin on October 23-24 to exchange with global experts on issues including AI safety, security, AI and labor and AI’s social and societal influences. (Photo credit: Yann LeCun and Eric Horvitz) 
Ensuring Safety, Security & Privacy of AI in Asia