Computer Science and Engineering

Strategic Partnerships Promote Global Vision
Strategic Partnerships Promote Global Vision 
HKUST wins Two National Science and Technology Awards
HKUST wins Two National Science and Technology Awards 
The Women's Foundation and ANZ launch a new Scholarship Award to encourage female undergraduates to pursue engineering and technology degrees at HKUST
The Women's Foundation and ANZ launch a new Scholarship Award to encourage female undergraduates to pursue engineering and technology degrees at HKUST 
Trio of Prestigious Fellowships
Trio of Prestigious Fellowships 
SENG Faculty Receive Largest CRF Engineering ProjectAwarded by RGC for 2012/2013
SENG Faculty Receive Largest CRF Engineering ProjectAwarded by RGC for 2012/2013 
Engineering Students Received Four Accolades in HKICT Awards 2013
Engineering Students Received Four Accolades in HKICT Awards 2013 
HKUST Professor Honored by World’s Leading Authority on Computational Linguistics
HKUST Professor Honored by World’s Leading Authority on Computational Linguistics