Prof. Ross MURCH Won IEEE Communications Society Wireless Communications Technical Committee Recognition Award 2023

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Driving Multiple Antenna Technology

Prof. Ross MURCH Won IEEE Communications Society Wireless Communications Technical Committee Recognition Award 2023

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Prof. Ross Murch was recognized for his high degree of visibility and contribution to the field of wireless and mobile communications theory, systems, and networks.
Prof. Ross Murch was recognized for his high degree of visibility and contribution to the field of wireless and mobile communications theory, systems, and networks. [Download Photo]

Prof. Ross MURCH, Chair Professor of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), received the prestigious Wireless Communications Technical Committee (WTC) Recognition Award 2023 from the IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc).

A major recognition of the WTC, the Recognition Award is given annually to no more than two individuals who have a high degree of visibility and contribution to the field of wireless and mobile communications theory, systems, and networks. Past winners of this top international accolade include ECE Chair Professor Khaled B. LETAIEF (2011) and ECE Adjunct Professor Justin CHUANG (2005).

Prof. Murch is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), and Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES). He served as the Head of the ECE Department from 2009 to 2015. Currently he is the chair of the HKUST Senate Research Committee.

Prof. Murch is known for his research on multiple antenna technology including multiuser-MIMO, compact multiport antennas, and multiport energy harvesting. His current research focus is creating new RF wave technology, which includes RF imaging, ambient RF systems, energy harvesting, electromagnetic information theory, 6G, IoT, multiport antenna systems, and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. His unique expertise lies in his combination of knowledge from both wireless communication systems and electromagnetics and he publishes in both areas. For example, he has published more than 100 journal papers in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. In total his research contributions resulted in more than 300 publications and 20 patents. He has successfully supervised more than 50 research students and his dedication to education has been recognized by five teaching awards.

Prof. Murch has served as an area editor, associate editor and publication editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and has been the technical program chair for two IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conferences (WCNC).