Engineering Students Awarded HKIE Scholarships

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Engineering Students Awarded HKIE Scholarships

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HKUST engineering students Law Cheuk-Him (fourth right), Liu Chi-Hin (fifth right), and Cindy Aiko Filbert Tanaka (fifth left) received a HKIE Scholarship at the HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members’ Reception.
HKUST engineering students Law Cheuk-Him (fourth right), Liu Chi-Hin (fifth right), and Cindy Aiko Filbert Tanaka (fifth left) received a HKIE Scholarship at the HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members’ Reception. [Download Photo]

Three engineering students who received a Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Scholarship in the past three academic years respectively were officially presented the scholarship at the HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members’ Reception on June 11, 2022.

The awardees are:

  • 2021/2022: LAW Cheuk-Him (Class of 2024, BEng in Mechanical Engineering)
  • 2020/2021: LIU Chi-Hin (Class of 2024, BEng in Computer Engineering and BBA in General Business Management)
  • 2019/2020: Cindy Aiko Filbert TANAKA (Class of 2022, BEng in Chemical and Environmental Engineering)

The HKIE Scholarship scheme aims to recognize the academic achievements of outstanding full-time engineering undergraduate students. Each year, the scholarship is awarded to three students who major in HKIE-accredited engineering programs in any local university.

Selection criteria include academic results at university, enthusiasm in becoming an engineer, and leadership ability demonstrated in extra-curricular activities and community service.

Related link:

  • Video of 2020/2021 awardee Liu Chi-Hin on his involvement in HKIE activities
  • Video of 2019/2020 awardee Cindy Aiko Filbert Tanaka on her involvement in HKIE activities
