Sharing on Research Efforts to Fight COVID-19

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Fostering Global Exchanges

Sharing on Research Efforts to Fight COVID-19

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Engineering faculty members shared their experiences and research efforts to fight COVID-19 in a joint webinar with the University of Strathclyde.
Engineering faculty members shared their experiences and research efforts to fight COVID-19 in a joint webinar with the University of Strathclyde. [Download Photo]

Five School of Engineering faculty members formed the line-up of panelists for a webinar titled “All-Round Efforts to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic”, which was jointly organized by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow on May 19, 2020.

Through academic exchanges, the webinar helped participants to better understand the implications and impact of COVID-19 and to make sense of how a post-COVID-19 world might be shaped to be more inclusive with global collaborations. The event attracted around 200 attendees, including faculty, students, and alumni of the two universities, friends and collaborators from other universities worldwide, and industrial partners. HKUST Dean of Engineering Prof. Tim CHENG delivered opening remarks and Dr. Phil CONSIDINE, Director of Executive Development of the University of Strathclyde, served as the moderator.

Faculty members who shared their experiences and research efforts to combat the COVID-19 crisis are: Prof. Richard SO (Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics), on smart fever screening systems; Prof. YEUNG King-Lun (Chemical and Biological Engineering), on smart antimicrobial technologies; Prof. Gary CHAN (Computer Science and Engineering), on geo-fencing technology for home quarantine order; Prof. LIU Ming (Electronic and Computer Engineering), on autonomous driving in low-speed scenarios for mitigation of COVID; and Prof. Matthew MCKAY (Electronic and Computer Engineering), on finding vaccine targets for COVID-19.

The webinar was the first event of the Global Webinar Series in the theme of “Navigating a World of Disruption” that HKUST co-organized with different global partners.


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