Superb Achievement of the HKUST ROV Sub-team in the 9th Hong Kong/Asia Regional IET/MATE Underwater Robot Challenge

Superb Achievement of the HKUST ROV Sub-team in the 9th Hong Kong/Asia Regional IET/MATE Underwater Robot Challenge

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The HKUST ROV Sub-team, which consists of 14 students (1 COMP, 2 ELEC, 1 MECH, 1 PHYS, 8 SENG and 1 SBM), won Championship in Explorer Class in the 9th Hong Kong/Asia Regional IET/MATE Underwater Robot Challenge held on 13 April 2014. The team will represent Hong Kong to participate in the International Final Competition on 26-28 June in Michigan, USA.

In this regional competition, we competed with other teams from Hong Kong, Malaysia and China. Our students had great passion and put on an excellent performance. In addition, 17 Engineering UG and PG students provided volunteer service during the contest days.

The Center for Global & Community Engagement (GCE) encourages our students to integrate engineering knowledge in community projects. This year, our ROV Sub-team also provided training workshops for children in the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired in Hong Kong. Under the mentorship of the HKUST students, the team from Ebenezer School won Special Award and 1st Runner-up in Scout Class in this competition.

The Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Centre (located in California, USA), in association with the Marine Technology Society's ROV Committee, have been organising the International Remote Operated Vehicle Contest for the past twelve years. This contest is aimed at secondary school, college and university students. The winners of the Hong Kong/Asia regional contest will enter the International Finals in Michigan, USA, in June 2014.

Once again The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Hong Kong (IET HK) is the organiser of the Hong Kong regional contest. IET HK is the largest overseas branch of the UK's largest professional engineering institution, and also the world's largest professional engineer awarding body. The contest is co-organised with HKUST and CityU.