Co-op Program

The Co-op Program offers mutual benefits to participating students and companies:
To the Co-op Students
- 5-month industrial & work experience
- With Salary / Stipend
- Completion of graduation requirements - Final Year Project & Industrial Experience
- Without delay to graduation
- Potential return offer
- 2 supervisors (1 from the company as Industrial Supervisor and 1 from the student’s academic department in HKUST as Academic Supervisor)
To the hiring Companies
- A cost-effective intellectual investigation of new / on-going projects
- A long-term full-time intern (5 months or more)
- A pool of quality candidates for selection
- Early identification of talented students (potential future employees) in the competitive recruitment market
- Short waiting time before the candidate’s assumption of duty as a permanent employee
- Contributions to undergraduate education in Hong Kong
- Enhancement of company’s reputation on campus
General Arrangement
The program offers final year (or penultimate year) UG students a chance to work as a full-time intern in a company for 5 months or more, during when they have to complete an industrial project that resembles a Final Year Project (FYP)
A co-op student will tackle a real-life industrial project proposed by the company under the supervision of 2 supervisors (1 from the company as Industrial Supervisor, 1 from the student’s academic department in HKUST as Academic Supervisor)
Students who take the credit-bearing Co-op Course will fulfil the Final Year project graduation requirement and are NOT required to enroll in FYP Course
Further Details
Several Academic Departments under the HKUST School of Engineering are offering Co-op Course. Please refer to the following links for details of the discipline-specific Co-op Programs: