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Success in Key Funding Initiative

Three Professors Awarded HK$12.6 Million in RGC’s Collaborative Research Fund 2024/25

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Three projects led by School of Engineering faculty were awarded a total of over HK$12.6 million under the Collaborative Research Fund 2024/25 of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). These include one project receiving the Collaborative Research Project Grant and two projects receiving the Young Collaborative Research Grant.

Collaborative Research Fund 2024/25: Collaborative Research Project Grant
Project title: Closed-Loop Learning for Motor Rehabilitation Based on Integrated Bidirectional Brain Machine Interface Systems
Project coordinator: Prof. WANG Yiwen, Associate Professor of Electronic & Computer Engineering and Chemical & Biological Engineering

Collaborative Research Fund 2024/25: Young Collaborative Research Grant
Project title: Living Building Material-Based Extra-Terrestrial Construction Technology for Resource-Starved and Extremely Harsh Environments
Project coordinator: Prof. QIU Jishen, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Project title: Intelligent and Agile Integrated Circuit Design Methodologies Based on Circuit Foundation Models
Project coordinator: Prof. XIE Zhiyao, Assistant Professor of Electronic and Computer Engineering