SENG Innovations Showcased at HKIE Hi-Tech Fiesta

SENG Innovations Showcased at HKIE Hi-Tech Fiesta

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Visitors were very excited about students' and alumni's inventions.
Visitors were very excited about students' and alumni's inventions. [Download Photo]

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) School of Engineering (SENG) brought innovative works and research achievements of its students, professors and alumni to the HKIE Hi-Tech Fiesta 2014, a fun-filled event organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) on 8 June at the Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition Center.

With the theme of “High Gear for New Technology, a Mindset for Change”, the event aimed to promote the engineering profession to the general public, arouse the interest of the younger generation in engineering profession and encourage them to pursue this meaningful career. As a world-class engineering school with strong international impact and local commitment, promoting community awareness of engineering in everyday life become one of SENG's key objectives.

In this one-day event, the School showcased innovative student projects, outstanding faculty research projects as well as our alumni’s latest inventions. The exhibits were well received by over 2,000 visitors. They include After Earth, Automatic Image Colorization, CyberAR & CyberSense, DJI’s Phantom 2 Vision+, and Gesture Control Device. A few other projects also showcased as HKIE's Central Attractions. They are 2D Barcode for Mobile Tagging, Can We Get More Than 1 Pixel Image/Video Resolution Out of 1 Pixel, Make the Intangible Tangible with Kinect and 3D Printing, Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) vs LCD, and Transforming Hong Kong's Ocean Container Transport Logistics Network.
