Over 100 members of the University’s senior management, engineering faculty, students and staff congregated at the grand opening of the newly renovated Engineering Commons on October 17, 2024.
A Central Hub for Learning, Advising and Socializing
The School of Engineering officially established its first-ever Industry Engagement Committee, comprising a distinguished group of 17 professionals and industry leaders from diverse fields. An inaugural ceremony was held on June 7 to welcome the new members.
HKUST Council Chairman Mr. Andrew LIAO Cheung-Sing (middle) and Council Vice-chairman Prof. John CHAI Yat-Chiu witness Prof. Wei SHYY (right)’s installation as HKUST’s new president.
New Era for HKUST Under Stewardship of Fourth President
(From left) HKUST Acting Head of Division of ISD Prof Jingshen Wu, ISD Lecturer Dr Winnie Leung; Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng; DJI Treasurer and Director of Corporate Strategy Ms Christina Zhang and Head of RoboMaster Mr Jianrong Gao.
Honing Design Thinking and Entrepreneurial Skills Via Project-based Learning