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Life Science

Corresponding authors: Prof. Qu Jianan (first right) from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), and Prof. Liu Kai (second left) from the Division of Life Science (LIFS); co-first authors: ECE PhD graduate Dr. Wu Wanjie (second right), ECE PhD student He Yingzhu (center), and LIFS PhD student Chen Yujun (first left)
Corresponding authors: Prof. Qu Jianan (first right) from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), and Prof. Liu Kai (second left) from the Division of Life Science (LIFS); co-first authors: ECE PhD graduate Dr. Wu Wanjie (second right), ECE PhD student He Yingzhu (center), and LIFS PhD student Chen Yujun (first left) 
Prof. Qu Jianan, Professor of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at HKUST (first left), Prof. Wu Zhenguo, Professor of the Division of Life Science at HKUST (second left), and other members of the research team
Prof. Qu Jianan, Professor of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at HKUST (first left), Prof. Wu Zhenguo, Professor of the Division of Life Science at HKUST (second left), and other members of the research team 
Prof. Wang Jiguang, Padma Harilela Associate Professor of Life Science in HKUST’s Division of Life Science and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (left); and co-first authors of the paper: Prof. Chai Ruichao, Associate Professor of Beijing Tiantan Hospital at Capital Medical University and Associate Professor at Beijing Neurosurgical Institute (center); and Dr. Mu Quanhua (right), Research Assistant Professor in HKUST’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering.
Prof. Wang Jiguang, Padma Harilela Associate Professor of Life Science in HKUST’s Division of Life Science and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (left); and co-first authors of the paper: Prof. Chai Ruichao, Associate Professor of Beijing Tiantan Hospital at Capital Medical University and Associate Professor at Beijing Neurosurgical Institute (center); and Dr. Mu Quanhua (right), Research Assistant Professor in HKUST’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. 
In vivo 3P calcium imaging of spontaneous neuronal activity at different depths below pia of the somatosensory cortex of a CCK-GCaMP6s mouse (four-month-old) through the intact skull (110-μm thickness) with system correction only (left) and full AO correction (right).
In vivo 3P calcium imaging of spontaneous neuronal activity at different depths below pia of the somatosensory cortex of a CCK-GCaMP6s mouse (four-month-old) through the intact skull (110-μm thickness) with system correction only (left) and full AO correction (right). 
HKUST Council Chairman Mr. Andrew Liao with Prof. Nancy Ip (left), the first woman President of HKUST.
HKUST Council Chairman Mr. Andrew Liao with Prof. Nancy Ip (left), the first woman President of HKUST. 
First Female President
Study co-leads Prof. Qu Jianan (first right), Professor at Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), and Prof. Liu Kai (first left), Associate Professor at Division of Life Science; as well as the first author of the study Wu Wanjie (second right), PhD student of ECE.
Study co-leads Prof. Qu Jianan (first right), Professor at Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), and Prof. Liu Kai (first left), Associate Professor at Division of Life Science; as well as the first author of the study Wu Wanjie (second right), PhD student of ECE. 
Prof. Wang Jiguang (front, seated) and his research team.
Prof. Wang Jiguang (front, seated) and his research team. 
Laying Foundation for Non-Invasive Diagnosis and Therapy Development
Prof. Wang Jiguang is the only awardee from Hong Kong among the 10 inaugural recipients of the prestigious Zhong Nanshan Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award.
Prof. Wang Jiguang is the only awardee from Hong Kong among the 10 inaugural recipients of the prestigious Zhong Nanshan Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award. 
The group utilized the adaptive optics two photon endomicroscopy system to investigate neuronal plasticity in the hippocampus, a critical deep brain structure, and revealed the relationship between somatic and dendritic activity of pyramidal neurons within the hippocampus.
The group utilized the adaptive optics two photon endomicroscopy system to investigate neuronal plasticity in the hippocampus, a critical deep brain structure, and revealed the relationship between somatic and dendritic activity of pyramidal neurons within the hippocampus. 
Prof. Wang Jiguang (second right) and his research team members
Prof. Wang Jiguang (second right) and his research team members