Prof. LI Bo Received 2023 Best Paper Award in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
Prof. LI Bo, Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, won the 2023 Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing for his co-authored paper on “HFedMS: Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Memorable Data Semantics in Industrial Metaverse”, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Nanyang Technological University.
The groundbreaking research presents a novel system that addresses key challenges in Federated Learning (FL) for the Industrial Metaverse, including issues related to non-independent and identically distributed (non-i.i.d.) data, learning degradation from streaming data, and limited communication bandwidth. By utilizing techniques such as dynamic grouping and training mode conversion, semantic compression, and layer-wise synchronization, HFedMS enhances the adaptability and efficiency of FL in industrial settings. Experiments show that it not only improves classification accuracy, but also significantly reduces both runtime and data transfer requirements. This aligns with Prof. Li’s recent pursuit of several RGC-funded projects developing new techniques for Federated Learning and its applications in solving real-world problems. This work contributes to the advancement of machine learning techniques, while showcasing their innovations in industry applications.
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