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SENG Launched Executive Training Program for Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd.

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Driving its efforts in executive education, HKUST School of Engineering conducted a highly successful two-week executive training program for 32 COMAC executives from late November to early December 2024.
Driving its efforts in executive education, HKUST School of Engineering conducted a highly successful two-week executive training program for 32 COMAC executives from late November to early December 2024. [Download Photo]

The School of Engineering (SENG) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) hosted a highly successful two-week executive training program for 32 executives from Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) between November 25 and December 4, 2024.

Offered in collaboration with HKUST(Guangzhou) and Hong Kong International Aviation Academy (HKIAA), the COMAC-HKUST Executive Training Program focused on strengthening leadership skills, design thinking, strategic decision-making and understanding of global aviation trends and technologies. The program included interactive lectures and seminars led by academics and industry experts, lab visits, research project showcases, as well as site visits to HKUST(GZ) and the Hong Kong International Airport. The topics in the program covered artificial intelligence, data science, advanced materials, hydrogen energy, ESG, robotics and more. By providing a valuable platform for in-depth exchange, the program enabled COMAC’s executives to seize new opportunities and foster innovation in the future of global aviation development.

An opening ceremony of the program was held on November 25, where HKUST Provost Prof. GUO Yike, and Mr. SHEN Dali, General Manager’s Assistant at COMAC, addressed the audience. Following this, Dean of Engineering Prof. Hong K. LO gave an introduction to the program. Both Prof. Guo and Prof. Lo were speakers in the two-week training program. Overall, more than 20 faculty members and industry experts from HKUST, HKUST(GZ), The University of British Columbia, École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile, and Technical University of Munich shared their insights in the program. A closing ceremony was held on December 2, 2024, where Prof. Lo presented certificates to the COMAC executives.