Prof. ZHOU Yanguang Named Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials

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Recognizing Contributions in Nanoscale Modeling

Prof. ZHOU Yanguang Named Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials

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Prof. Zhou Yanguang was named a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials in recognition of his significant contribution to the world of advanced materials science, engineering, and technology .
Prof. Zhou Yanguang was named a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials in recognition of his significant contribution to the world of advanced materials science, engineering, and technology . [Download Photo]

Prof. ZHOU Yanguang of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering was elected a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) in January 2024.

The Fellow title is a notable distinction that IAAM confers upon researchers and scientists to recognize their important contribution and efforts for the advancement of materials.

Prof. Zhou’s research focuses on understanding and designing nanoscale heat transport phenomena and nanomaterials for a wide range of applications including energy conversion, storage and management. He received the IAAM Young Scientist Medal in 2022 and Hong Kong SciTech Pioneers Award by Y-LOT Foundation in 2021.