Prof. Irene LO Elected Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences

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Prof. Irene LO Elected Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences

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Ir Prof. Irene Lo (right) was presented with a certificate by Ir Prof. Teng Jin-Guang, President of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, at the induction ceremony on January 29, 2024.
Ir Prof. Irene Lo (right) was presented with a certificate by Ir Prof. Teng Jin-Guang, President of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, at the induction ceremony on January 29, 2024. [Download Photo]

Ir Prof. Irene LO, Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, was elected a 2023 Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES). The announcement was made at the 30th HKAES annual general meeting on December 12, 2023 and the induction ceremony was held on January 29, 2024. A total of 13 new Fellows were elected in 2023.

An internationally renowned scholar, Prof. Lo is among the first to invent iron-based nanomaterials and photocatalytic materials for the removal of heavy metals, organics, and emerging pollutants such as antibiotics from water and subsurface environment as well as to investigate the fundamental understanding of the pollutant removal mechanisms. Her research is groundbreaking and innovative, sustainable, and the outcome application is economical. Besides, she also works on life cycle assessment, carbon footprint, net zero carbon, and Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for construction materials, commercial and residential buildings, and treatment processes.

Prof. Lo is an Academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), among many distinguished honors and awards. She has been on the list of the World’s Top 2% Scientists (published by Stanford University) every year since 2020.

Over the past three years, six School of Engineering faculty members were elected to HKAES Fellows. These include 2022 Fellows Prof. Vincent LAU and Prof. Ross MURCH, 2021 Fellow Prof. GUO Yike, and 2020 Fellows Prof. Khaled B. LETAIEF, Prof. Tim CHENG, and Prof. ZHANG Qian.

Established in 1994, HKAES is a prestigious organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the field of engineering in Hong Kong. It aims to foster collaboration, innovation, and excellence in engineering, contributing to the advancement of society and the development of Hong Kong and the nation. It comprises a distinguished group of Fellows from various disciplines, recognized as leaders in their profession, with remarkable achievements in engineering sciences and applications.

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