Final Year Projects Recognized by HKIE Environmental Division

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Championship for Another Year

Final Year Projects Recognized by HKIE Environmental Division

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The champion team received the award at a ceremony on January 8, 2020: Prof. Frank Lam, Lau Siu-Mei, Fung Hiu-Tung (from second left to fourth left), and Wong Hon-Fai (second right).
The champion team received the award at a ceremony on January 8, 2020: Prof. Frank Lam, Lau Siu-Mei, Fung Hiu-Tung (from second left to fourth left), and Wong Hon-Fai (second right). [Download Photo]

A team of four 2019 BEng graduates from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) won the championship of HKIE Environmental Division Prize for Best Final Year Environmental Project 2018-19 for their final year project on “The Development of Combinative Adsorption and Photocatalytic Unit for Remediation of Electroplating Effluents”.

Jointly supervised by Prof. Frank LAM and Prof. Xijun HU, the team consisted of FUNG Hiu-Tung, LAU Siu-Mei, LEUNG Ho-Fung, and WONG Hon-Fai.

The award aims to recognize the efforts of final year students in completing good quality final year projects and to encourage them to continue the effort in improving the environmental engineering practice in their future careers.

Additionally, another team, from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, received the 2nd Runner-up of the same prize. The team was supervised by Prof. LEE Yi-Kuen and comprised CHAN Kwun-Ting, CHAN Wang-Yip, TSANG Hing-Leong, and YEUNG Ting-Fung, all 2019 BEng graduates. Their project was titled “Design and Optimization of Smart HVAC Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings”.

This is the second straight year for a final year project team from the School of Engineering to receive the championship. Last year, a final year project team which was made up of students from CBE, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Computer Engineering Program, co-supervised by Prof. Frank LAM and Prof. Desmond TSOI (CSE), also won the same prize.