HKUST Engineering Alumni Get Connected with Fellow Alumni and Faculty at Summer Social Mixer 2017
Nearly 170 HKUST Engineering alumni, faculty and staff gathered together at Summer Social Mixer on 29 August 2017 (Tuesday) at a co-working space in Kwun Tong. This was the first happy hour event that mixed Engineering alumni with eight alumni associations and fresh graduates to allow all SENG senior and junior alumni to mingle.
Organized by HKUST School of Engineering and fully supported by eight alumni associations, including HKUSTAA (A1), Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEEAA), Computer Science and Engineering (CSEAA), Mechanical Engineering Graduates' Association (MEGA), Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management (TMAA), Master of Science in Engineering Enterprise Management (EEMAA), Master of Science in Telecommunications (MTelAA) and Master of Technology Management (MTMAA), the alumni event was blessed with the presence of Associate Deans of Engineering, Department Heads of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE), Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVL), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (IELM), Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), and many more faculty and staff.
Associate Dean of Engineering Prof Chi-Ying Tsui delivered the welcome remarks beginning with his heartfelt appreciation to the alumni associations and his warmest welcome to the Class of 2017 and to the Engineering family. He also shared, "It is my great pleasure to see so many familiar faces gather around this co-working space that is dedicated to serve and to connect startup people with the same vision, similar values and diverse interests to collaborate, to share creative and innovative ideas, to kick start entrepreneurial projects and to make our society a better place. I hope this gathering offers our alumni another platform to meet new friends, share passions and new initiates, and possibly leading to collaboration in any forms in the future."
Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Kwang-Ting Cheng also shared the School's latest developments through a video, including the four areas of education innovation: experiential learning, internationalization, multi-disciplinary and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)/blended learning; entrepreneurship education and competitions; and under-developing practicum-led undergraduate major program all aiming to teach the students how to learn by themselves, how to be more innovative with better creativity; and also the newly renamed Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering to catalyze the University's strategic development in bioengineering and health-related engineering and technologies.
Presidents of alumni associations also took the opportunity to introduce the past activities and future plans of their associations to other Engineering alumni, also to exchange experiences with other alumni associations. HKUST Engineering Alumni had great fun at the Summer Social Mixer. A picture does speak a thousand words. To recap the joyful moments of the alumni gathering, please click onto our website at
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