


Course Code

Course Title 

BIEN 1010

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 
CENG 1000 Introduction to Chemical and Biological Engineering 
CENG 1500  A First Course on Materials Science and Applications
CENG 1700 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
CIVL 1100 Discovering Civil and Environmental Engineering
CIVL 1210 Fundamental of Green Buildings
COMP 1021 Introduction to Computer Science
ELEC 1100 Introduction to Electro-Robot Design
ELEC 1200  A System View of Communications: from Signals to Packets 
ENGG 1100 First Year Cornerstone Engineering Design Project Course
IEDA 2010 Introduction of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
ISDN 1001 Introduction to Integrative Systems and Design
ISDN 1002 Redefining Problems for the Real Needs
ISDN 1006 Human-centered Innovation
MECH 1902 Energy Systems in a Sustainable World
MECH 1906 Mechanical Engineering for Modern Life
MECH 1907 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering