HKUST Aero Team Triumphed in British Model Flying Association Payload Challenges 2024

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Claiming Top Spot in Quantity Challenge

HKUST Aero Team Triumphed in British Model Flying Association Payload Challenges 2024

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HKUST Aero Team members at the BMFA Payload Challenges 2024 (from right to left): Prof. Larry Li (team supervisor), Mr. C K Leung (team pilot), Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering undergraduates Leung Nok-Hei, Leung Yu-Hin, Keung Ho-Lam, Tsui Ho-Sum, Chu Lok-Hang, and Karine Lu Hoi-Lam.
HKUST Aero Team members at the BMFA Payload Challenges 2024 (from right to left): Prof. Larry Li (team supervisor), Mr. C K Leung (team pilot), Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering undergraduates Leung Nok-Hei, Leung Yu-Hin, Keung Ho-Lam, Tsui Ho-Sum, Chu Lok-Hang, and Karine Lu Hoi-Lam. [Download Photo]

The HKUST Aero Team has won the First Place in the Quantity Challenge of the British Model Flying Association (BMFA) Payload Challenges 2024. The victory marks the team’s debut in the competition.

Held in Grantham, UK on June 12-13, 2024, the event challenged students to various payload scenarios. It featured five challenges: egg lift, cube lift, distance, quantity, and weight. In the Quantity Challenge (challenge 4), students were tasked to design, build and fly a remotely operated aircraft capable of carrying the maximum number of designated payload elements, while adhering to a strict time limit for loading and unloading.

The mission assessed the students’ knowledge and skills in multiple aspects of aircraft design. Specifically, the overall aircraft design and the payload carriers’ configuration were optimized with consideration given to weight, aerodynamics, electrical propulsion, flight stability, structural integrity, and payload capacity.

The full results for the BMFA Payload Challenges 2024 can be found here.

About the HKUST Aero Team
Supervised by Prof. Larry LI, the HKUST Aero Team is a student organization committed to promoting and advancing aerospace engineering and aviation. Comprising over 20 undergraduate students, the team engages in a range of aero-related activities, including industry site visits, guest lectures, exchange programs, and prestigious international competitions, such as the AIAA Design/Build/Fly Competition and the BMFA Payload Challenges. The team consistently showcases their exceptional talent, earning them a well-deserved position among the world’s top universities. More info can be found on its Instagram account.

About the BMFA Payload Challenges
The annual BMFA Payload Challenges engage students to apply their engineering knowledge by designing, building, and flying a load-carrying remote-operated aircraft to fulfil various payload missions. The event is sponsored by the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and supported by leading organizations, including BAE Systems, Rolls Royce, Royal Air Force Engineering, and Royal Air Force Model Aircraft Association. More info can be found on the BMFA webpage.