IEDA Undergraduates Crowned Champion on CILTHK Student Day 2024

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Helping Airlines to Achieve “Fly Net Zero”

IEDA Undergraduates Crowned Champion on CILTHK Student Day 2024

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The champion team comprises (from left) Chan Tsz-Yin, Ng Kwan-Yee, Abby Lam, and Cheung Chun-Chit. (Photo credit: CILTHK)
The champion team comprises (from left) Chan Tsz-Yin, Ng Kwan-Yee, Abby Lam, and Cheung Chun-Chit. (Photo credit: CILTHK) [Download Photo]

A team of four undergraduate students in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics (IEDA) won the championship of the CILTHK Student Day 2024.

Organized by The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK), this competition aims to boost tertiary students’ understanding, knowledge, analytical skills, logical thinking as well as communication capabilities through presenting a logistics or transport related topic under time constraints.

The competition was held on March 16, 2024 at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University. Each team was given one day to prepare a 15-minute presentation on a different topic related to aviation and the air industry. The judging panel was impressed with the IEDA students’ in-depth analysis and practical solutions of their topic on “Besides the Corporate Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) programme, how can airlines achieve Fly Net Zero within the designated timeframe?”