Juan DU 杜娟

Juan DU 杜娟 Details

Juan DU 杜娟
Juan DU 杜娟 


First Name (and Middle Name If Any)
Highest Degree Acquired (e.g. PhD in Engineering Science)
PhD, Peking University

Contact Information


Research Interests

Research Interests
Data fusion and data analytics for quality improvement – multi-channel functional data analytics by integration of engineering domain knowledge, advanced statistical model, machine learning, signal processing and operations research.
Modeling, monitoring and analysis for multistage manufacturing systems – developing a final-quality oriented process monitoring strategy for key variable selection, condition change detection, and anomaly detection of manufacturing processes.
System optimization and control of manufacturing systems – sparse learning modeling and system optimization for computer experiments of complex manufacturing systems.



Prof Juan DU holds a Ph.D. degree in Management Science and Engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management at Peking University and a BEng in Composite Materials and Engineering from Honors School of Harbin Institute of Technology. She had been a Visiting/Join PhD Student at H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering of Georgia Tech from 2017.9-2019.9 during her PhD study. She worked as Assistant Professor at Department of Industrial Engineering & Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China before joining the Smart Manufacturing Thrust, Systems Hub, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) as Assistant Professor in 2021.

Her research interest focuses on data analytics and system informatics and control for performance improvements in complex systems. The objective is to develop system-level fusion of data science (machine learning, statistics, signal processing), optimization (operation research) and control to realize process monitoring, prognostics, diagnosis, control and intelligent decision making. 

Research Interests

Research Interests
Data fusion and data analytics for quality improvement – multi-channel functional data analytics by integration of engineering domain knowledge, advanced statistical model, machine learning, signal processing and operations research.
Modeling, monitoring and analysis for multistage manufacturing systems – developing a final-quality oriented process monitoring strategy for key variable selection, condition change detection, and anomaly detection of manufacturing processes.
System optimization and control of manufacturing systems – sparse learning modeling and system optimization for computer experiments of complex manufacturing systems.



Prof Juan DU holds a Ph.D. degree in Management Science and Engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management at Peking University and a BEng in Composite Materials and Engineering from Honors School of Harbin Institute of Technology. She had been a Visiting/Join PhD Student at H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering of Georgia Tech from 2017.9-2019.9 during her PhD study. She worked as Assistant Professor at Department of Industrial Engineering & Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China before joining the Smart Manufacturing Thrust, Systems Hub, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) as Assistant Professor in 2021.

Her research interest focuses on data analytics and system informatics and control for performance improvements in complex systems. The objective is to develop system-level fusion of data science (machine learning, statistics, signal processing), optimization (operation research) and control to realize process monitoring, prognostics, diagnosis, control and intelligent decision making.