Eric Young Joon

Eric Young Joon CHO
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2023-24
Class of 2024,
BEng in Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

From a young age, I really enjoyed doing hands-on work, whether it was putting together Lego blocks, or poking around and trying to open up machines and devices that I probably shouldn’t have. I had and still have a strong curiosity for how everything around me worked, and this is what guided me on the path to mechanical engineering. It has given me the opportunity to get lots of hands on experience, as well as also learn the theory and considerations for a variety of complex machines and systems.

I chose to study at HKUST due to the people and opportunities it could lead me to, and throughout my journey at HKUST, I have had the privilege of meeting some truly remarkable friends and professors. I have met friends that I can share my interests with, and push each other to go the extra mile. Further, I have also been given a variety of non-academic opportunities such as internships and school teams that allowed me to further deepen my learning and understanding of different fields.

HKUST is a school filled with an abundance of resources that you can use to your advantage, to pursue any interests you have. The extensive range of courses combined with the variety of minor programs offered provides every student, including myself, to dig further and wider into any field that they may have an interest in, even if it isn’t necessarily related to your major.

Overall, engineering at HKUST has continuously proven to be the best choice I could have made. The professors and students form a supportive community that overflows with opportunities, and I hope I can help guide more prospective students to have the same amazing experience that I had.