Timothy Bryan Co

Man began flying a hundred years ago, and it has wowed the humanity on how these big metal birds fly. As an avid aviation fan, HKUST provides a programme unlike others for us. Not only being the sole provider of Aerospace Engineering in Hong Kong, it also boasts itself as one of the top leading universities in engineering education, even outside Hong Kong. In addition to the exemplary learning environment that HKUST brings to us geographically and environmentally, it has made me come here without any hint of hesitation. I believed that through HKUST, I can make my dream come true.
After coming into the HKUST, it has transformed me into a person who is driven, proactive and motivated. It has given me a lot of chance and opportunities in developing myself. With my interests lying in aerodynamics, I have joined our School’s Electric Vehicle Racing Team’s Aerodynamics Group and have explored a lot not only in my own field but also in the area of Formula Car racing. It has also armed me an analytical mindset on problem-solving – where problems don’t have a model answer and you would need to explore the best solution possible with your own hands, with guiding hands from our supportive faculty members.
Aspire, Aim, Achieve. These are the 3 As that I have realized myself in the path of chasing for my own dream. A lot of people might interpret an aviation fan as someone who wants to become a pilot – but the world of aviation is broader that one could imagine! I once ‘aspired’ to be a part of the aviation world. Now, I am ‘aiming’ to be a part of it by ways such as joining HKUST; and soon, I will be seeing myself ‘achieve’ this dream I once thought was far-fetched.