
Sankalp VERMA
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2021-22
Class of 2023,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Engineering is an ever growing and changing field involving many different disciplines and sub-divisions, all of which involve trying to find new methods through which the current standards of living can be enhanced. Due to the wide variety of paths one can take as an engineer, I was immediately attracted to this world and knew that I wanted to enrol into an engineering-based major in university. However, the wide variety of choices was both a blessing and curse as it was quite daunting for me when I was first trying to decide what I wanted to study under the massive field of engineering. 

This dread was something that I carried into my first year as a freshmen at HKUST. However, after spending some time to realise where my own interests might lie, through pursuing various different courses in vastly different disciplines and meeting all kinds of new people from different places in the world, I was able to overcome my dilemma and commit to a discipline of engineering which I knew would be the right match for me based on my personality and interests: computer science.

Through my tribulations in my first year, I was able to learn about the importance of actively interacting and learning from the environment around you and how to utilise the resources given to you to better equip yourself for the future and I want to pass along this outlook on life as a university student to the upcoming freshman or prospective students through the role of an Engineering Student Ambassador.