Monish Tarachand

Monish Tarachand MELWANI
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2021-22
Class of 2023,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hong Kong
King George V School

The speed at which technology is advancing excites and inspires me. My desire to be a part of this monumental change is the reason why I decided to pursue my undergraduate studies at HKUST. 

From a young age, I have exposed myself to several technological challenges which range from my participation in programming competitions, like the Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics, to my leadership roles in a digital student initiative that helped shape the landscape of technological development in my high school.

It was due to my passion for computer science that I decided studying at HKUST was the natural progression for my journey into the world of engineering. Apart from being a highly ranked and widely regarded institution globally, the facilities and academic environment persuaded me that HKUST was the fitting choice to further my interests and aid in the formation of my career. In addition, I have personally taken advantage of the wide range of opportunities available to students from the school of engineering. For example, I have taken up the position as the leader of the Intelligent Racing Team within the HKUST Robotics Team. The Intelligent Racing team produces small scale autonomous cars that can traverse any given track rapidly.