
Certain moments have the power to change the entire trajectory of your life. And it is only later that you realize their true significance. My college application period happens to be one of those moments. Applying to HKUST Engineering was a rather impulsive decision - studying abroad where everything is foreign was undoubtedly a big challenge and a risk. But I embraced this new chapter of my life with open arms. I was ready to work, grind, and make sacrifices to chase my passion. I was ready to enjoy every second of it.
One and a half years later, here I am, representing my university as an Engineering Student Ambassador. I can proudly say that my university experience has far exceeded my expectations. HKUST's school-based admission system allowed me to dedicate my first year to exploring different fields of engineering. Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering - you name it, I've tried them all. This process led me to discover and become convinced of my biggest passion - computers!
Programming is an extraordinary skill set as it transforms imagination into reality. The process of coming up with an idea, designing a method to implement that idea, and then sharing it with my friends and the world is truly empowering. Every day, I push myself to learn and expand my knowledge a little bit more. All the projects, club works, competitions, and great lectures this university offers motivate me to become better. I am satisfied with who I am turning out to be and I'm looking forward to my growth over the next decade.