
Minjin GU
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2021-22
Class of 2025,
BEng in Bioengineering
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

I have always wanted to be a person who could help others in various means, and I believe that engineering is the area that holds the biggest potential to innovate the world. I felt the importance of engineers especially as I was going through the pandemic situation of COVID19. As a student, the change in school curriculum was the biggest impact on my lifestyle; lessons were conducted online. Even though the situation of COVID19 is still ongoing, one of the reasons why we could be back on campus is due to the introduction of a vaccine, which can be studied under biomedical engineering. This led me to become passionate and get interested in bioengineering. 

Being a student in the School of Engineering at HKUST, I was inspired by various courses I joined and my friends who study with me. As a person interested in sustaining health and wellness, I enrolled in a 4000-level course in year 1 to work on a project to increase the awareness of mental health called Pinocchio. While this was a challenging course, this allowed me to collaborate with SENG students who are interested in other majors and also SBM students. Not only this course but various opportunities offered by HKUST has helped me to shape my interest and pathways.

Since I used to be a person who did not know what I wanted to become, I would like to share my experiences to help those who may be undergoing the same concerns.