
I am Shabnam, whose name means “dew”, a tiny droplet like a raindrop that settles on petals and leaves during the night due to condensation. Like these creatures that have a strong affinity with fascinating nature, I am in deep love with the intersections between Engineering and the environment. I believe that human cannot discover new oceans unless he/she has the courage to leave the shore. So as graduation approaches, I decided to pursue my studies as a dual-degree Ph.D. student at Sharif University of Technology (Civil Engineering) and HKUST (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering). I left my comfort zone to obtain interdisciplinary research experience in a reputable university without completely leaving Asia.
I yearn to help create a new world that brings people together. Also, another important point is my value system which includes friendship, communication, and cooperation between people. My personal vision is to have a meaningful life for myself and others. It is important to me to live my life in a way that shows kindness, care, and concern to my family, friends, and of course strangers.
I feel very lucky to be involved in Engineering Student Ambassador (ESA) program. Being part of ESA is a fantastic opportunity for me to pursue what I was always looking for: close connection and serving other students from various cultures and lifestyles who are not only in HKUST but also in other universities. I am sure it would be fabulous to integrate and contribute to the vibrant and passionate environment at HKUST Engineering school.