Leo Kyu Suk

Leo Kyu Suk CHO
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2021-22
Class of 2024,
BEng in Bioengineering
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Funnily enough, biology was never a field of science I was interested in for the majority of my education. With all the Latin terms and an absurd amount of enzymes and proteins, biology felt like a subject that would just be all about memorizing as much words as possible.

Then, I started to learn about medicinal chemistry, which was the last chapter of our chemistry curriculum. Seeing how all the chemical concepts we have learned throughout the past chapters combined together to show a practical example was one thing that interested me. But learning about how medicine is developed, how different molecules produce a medical effect, and how medicine is designed to control the target or rate of flow brought me a whole new level of interest in this topic.

This was when I knew I wanted to pursue bioengineering in the future. And as HKUST had bioengineering program, I immediately applied without a second thought.

As an engineer, I think we have an obligation to contribute to the society and community we live in. HKUST offers diverse opportunities in this field, like community service, internship or this Engineering Student Ambassador program, where we can develop and share our passion in hopes that others could find their passion too.