Summary of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2010/11 Awardees Statistics

Summary of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2010/11 Awardees Statistics


The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme was launched by RGC in 2009 to attract the outstanding students in the world to pursue their PhD degree programs in Hong Kong using criteria such as academic excellence, research ability and potential, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership abilities. The successful candidates were chosen through a stringent vetting process involving two selection panels comprising 21 overseas and 15 local academics, and detailed examination of the short-listed applications by the 16-member Panel which came to Hong Kong from overseas.

Meant to accept only candidates eligible for admission to the top universities around the world, it has only made 148 offers among the 2,996 applications worldwide from 100 countries / regions - among which 115 offers have been accepted.

Institution Number of Awardees Percentage
City University of Hong Kong 5 4.3%
Hong Kong Baptist University 4 3.5%
Lingnan University 1 0.9%
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 30 26.1%
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 15 13.0%
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 34 29.6%
The University of Hong Kong 26 22.6%
Total 115 100%
