Alumni Brothers Set Up Student Emergency Fund

Alumni Brothers Set Up Student Emergency Fund


The Student Emergency Fund, established by alumni Terry Tsang and Terence Tsang, provides financial assistance for HKUST students facing unforeseen financial emergencies and tragic events that may disrupt their studies. Terry is the Founder and CEO of Madhead, who gained his BEng in Civil and Structural Engineering in 2004 and MPhil in Civil Engineering in 2006. Terence is the Founder and CTO of Madhead, who completed his BEng in Computer Science (Information Engineering) in 2006.

Terry and Terence have contributed HK$2 million to the HKUST Alumni Endowment Fund to provide perpetual support to students in need, brining their accumulative donations to HK$3 million. Their strong devotion to help students in financial emergencies can be dated back to their university studies at HKUST. Their father, being the sole bread winner of the family, passed away while they were undertaking bachelor degrees and the family was in immediate financial hardship. Thanks to the emergency fund of the Student Affairs Office, their family was able to go through that rough time. This always reminds them of the importance of lending a helping hand to students in need.

ENQUIRY: Students can simply call Scholarship and Financial Aid Office (SFAO) at 2358 6663 or email to enquire.
