Tom Man Yim

For those who want to become an engineer, the School of Engineering of HKUST is definitely the best place to actualize your dream. The School maintains high rankings among its fellows in the world and it provides high quality education to students.
It also provides great opportunities for every student. No matter what interest you have or what you want to do, you can always find friends or communities that share common interest, and find supports from the School.
I love Engineering a lot because it can solve our daily problems and make life easier. I love SENG because it is a big family that makes you feel like home. I love UST because it makes everything possible. Also, The University’s idea of encouraging whole-person development and acquiring life-long transferable skills is also very helpful.
After getting into here, you will definitely be amazed by the encouraging environment. The students, professors and staff try their best to strive for excellence, and make the most out of it.
Don’t you want to become one of us? Feel free to find us and we are willing to share our stories with you.