
Hello, my name is Harin Lee. I was born and raised in Korea for 12 years, but after that I lived in many cities in Asia, which were Bangkok, Singapore and now, Hong Kong. I was very lucky to enjoy all these variety of beautiful cultures.
Out of many Engineering programs offered by HKUST, I am currently in the Mechanical Engineering program. My interest in Engineering in general began when I was quite young, because of my family background, and I think it was quite natural for me to choose my career as an Engineer.
I believe that coming to HKUST out of many universities in the world was a great choice! Not only the high level of faculties and academic achievements of HKUST, but also a comforting and new environment which makes me feel home here, and it also prepares me to the society that’s ahead of us. Looking at the experiences so far, I really appreciate my university life as a part of HKUST SENG community.
In the coming years, I’ll be a responsible and helpful student Ambassador who you can rely on whenever you need help. Please don’t hesitate to talk to me if you need me! I’ll be right here and waiting for all of you.