
Hello! I'm Vikram, from Chennai, India. It would therefore come as no surprise to you that I am a prospective computer engineer! Joking aside, I am extremely interested in the subject, because there is a seemingly endless list of interesting applications for it in most industries (if not all). In fact, I feel that it is worth investing some time to learn any form of programming, as I am sure that you can benefit greatly from harnessing the power of computers in your main field.
While it is possible to learn to code in your own time, I have found that the extremely flexible course structure here at HKUST provides an unmissable opportunity to develop your skillset or knowledge in this, or almost any other subject area you might be interested in, right from astrophysics and cosmology to game design.
Still, this isn't the only reason for which HKUST is topping the Asian university charts. There are a multitude of other aspects to appreciate, not limited to the high degree of cultural diversity, the synergistic academic atmosphere, nor the breathtaking sea view throughout campus. Having witnessed the rapid development of HKUST as a Hong Kong resident myself, I am doing you a favour to tell you that this is the place you are looking for if you want a truly modern, world-class education. Feel free to send me an email or, better yet, approach me in person, whether you have any queries, or just want some excellent company!