Celina Yunruo HU

Celina Yunruo HU
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2016-17
Class of 2019,
BEng & BBA in Logistics management and General Business Management
Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
Daqing Tieren High School, China

Hello! My name is Celina. I am currently in the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management, pursuing two degrees: BEng in Industrial Engineering and BBA in General Business Management.

HKUST ranks high in the world and so does its engineering school. Studying in HKUST SENG has always been my dream since high school. It provides high quality education, facilities and great career opportunities for students. It also gives students the chance to gain practical knowledge which would be very useful in their future lives. My past two years were both meaningful and colorful. Through all the academic and extra-curricular experiences, I have equipped myself better for future career.

I am very happy to answer any questions you may have and looking forward to meeting all of you in the future!