Adrian Prawira

Adrian Prawira SUSANTO
Engineering Student Ambassador, 2017-18
Class of 2020,
BEng in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jakarta, Indonesia
Canisius College Senior High School, Indonesia

Before I joined the School of Engineering, I had expected engineering to be very tedious and time-consuming academically. After all, these are the stigmas which engineering and its students bear; the adjectives that first come into mind when asked about engineering.

However, the image that I got after experiencing a whole year in HKUST School of Engineering contrasted those stigmas. Interacting with fellow students who share the same interest, namely in engineering, has helped me make friends and expand my network. In addition, there are a lot of activities available for students enrolled in HKUST SENG which has helped me develop academic and intra-personal skills while further inciting my passion for engineering.

Coming here, I had known that I wanted to delve further into the study of computer science. The School of Engineering staff and mentors have cleared and straightened my pathway towards that goal, which has led me to achieve it. Although I was firm in my passion towards computer science, HKUST offered me a lot of choices within the Engineering field. It successfully incorporates the vast engineering world and divides them into majors so students are able to choose and learn according to their own interests.

I did not regret my decision in choosing HKUST School of Engineering, and I surely recommend it for students who are interested in engineering. I believe being here in the School of Engineering is a big step towards a successful future. Come join us!